Niall sick

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"Mate, please try and remember that you're sharing a room" Louis murmured into the darkness, his voice barely even audible and laced heavily with sleep.

 I sniffed again despite it being absolutely useless, "sorry. . ."

Nothing I did seemed to stop the continuous drip and I was very quickly becoming frustrated. I'd been a little sniffly all day but I hadn't thought that it was anything major. I still performed and enjoyed it.

It was when we finally got back to the hotel at one in the morning and we'd all gone straight to bed that I started going downhill. 

The horizontal position hadn't done me any good because now I was completely blocked up all through my sinuses and everything and my head was starting to ache. Every time I thought I might be about to fall asleep I felt dampness on my upper lip and had to wipe it off before it either hardened or even slipped through my lips. Disgusting. 

And now that I knew that I was keeping Louis up, I felt even worse.

"Are you cold or something? You can have my duvet if you want it" Louis offered quietly.

"Won't you get cold?"

"It's not cold in here, Ni" he replied.

I shivered, "it's freezing."

"Hang on. . ."

There was a bit of rustling and I could hear socks on the carpet and then the light turned on, blinding me for a moment. I closed my eyes with a grimace, the heat still lingering on my eyeballs. A dull throb started right behind my forehead.

"Oh yeah, that's a really good look Nialler, should definitely try that one at the next photo-shoot," Louis teased in a low voice, obviously not wanting to wake up Liam and Harry in the room next to us. 

I squinted at him and sniffled again.

"Sheesh you look even worse with your eyes open, are you feeling okay?"

"I think I'm coming down with something." 

I winced as my throat twanged, like someone had flicked it from the inside. 

Ugh. We had concerts booked for the next three nights, if I got anything worse than a cold right now I'd pretty much be screwed. Management wouldn't let me out of anything unless I physically couldn't move without passing out, which could be arranged I supposed but I wasn't not really that great of an actor so it was more likely I'd be up on that stage every night whether I felt like death or not.

 I loved performing but I knew how hard it was to do while feeling like shit and let me tell you, it really wasn't that great of a time.

"Do you want a tea, or a hot chocolate?" Louis asked.

"It's like two in the morning Lou, I'm okay." 

I smiled at him and his randomness. What kind of guy offered a hot drink at three am? 

"Actually it's three minutes past two and I'm awake now anyway. Plus, I can't sleep knowing you're not feeling well." He ran a hand through his hair and tapped his ankles together, "so which will it be?"

"Lou, you really don-"

"Tea? Or hot chocolate?"

I yawned. I was exhausted but sleep didn't exactly seem to be coming. A hot chocolate sounded pretty dam good right about now.

"Hot chocolate," I croaked, pulling back in surprise. I didn't even know I could make that noise, what even was that?

Louis raised an eyebrow in amusement.

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