Harry sick- for Quirkycatt

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Hearing Harry trying to quietly sniffle for what had to be at least the hundredth time since they got into the car, Liam glanced over at him curiously, "are you sick or something mate? You're sniffling like crazy."

Harry shrugged, readjusting the seat belt over his chest. They were on their way to a sound check before the concert tonight and Liam was right, he was sniffling a lot.

His nose was beginning to feel kind of stuffed upm he realised with another wet sniffle. He hoped that he wasn't getting sick. He hated being sick with a passion, the whole idea just made him cringe. If he was lucky, the reason for his runny nose was the cold weather settling over the city.

It was due to start snowing in a couple of days and the temperature was ever so slowly dropping as the hours ticked by.

Niall nudged Harry side with a grin, "even if you are, a colds a cold right? You'll be fine."

Harry knew that his immune system didn't like to do anything half-arsed, that for him a cold was rarely just a cold. He shook his head stubbornly and smiled back at Niall, "it's probably nothing, just the weather messing with me."

"It is getting pretty chilly out there. . ." Louis peered out the window, breathing a mark onto the glass.

The sound check went by pretty fast, the lads had a bit of fun with it as always and by the time the concert came around they'd already all slipped and fallen multiple times on the icy stage. It was just their luck that they were playing an outdoors show on one of the coldest nights of the year so far. Thankfully they were allowed to bundle up as much as they wanted as long as the colours didn't clash so each boy piled on the layers. Harry noticed that he was the only one shivering once they were all tucked up into shirts and jackets and he hurriedly clamped his jaw down, sniffling yet again.

He wasn't catching a cold, no way.

During the concert he found that swallowing was beginning to become a bit of an issue. His throat started feeling raw and sore and even though his voice still sounded fine he was struggling to keep his face straight when he needed to swallow. He'd already been through two bottles of water and although it helped while it was going down, the second it was gone his throat went straight back to that weird soreness.

"Alrighty, let's clap it out guys!" Niall yelled, letting his guitar hang so that he could clap his hands above his head. The crowd roared and joined in as the band all harmonised the last piece of the last song on the set list.

"That's all the time we've got tonight, thank you for having us here!" Liam waved, grinning widely.
Louis said goodbye too and then Harry said his part before they all headed off stage.

A bodyguard named Gregg drove them back to their hotel, walking them all the way up to their room before bidding goodnight and resuming his post in the room next door.

"Go grab some more layers will you Curly? Or maybe a shower? That sniffling's driving me mad." Louis groaned playfully as he threw himself onto the soft grey couch in the middle of the massive room with a wide yawn. He ripped his thick jacket off and sighed, blinking tiredly.

"I second that," Liam agreed, shoving Harry gently in the direction of the bathroom as he made his way into the kitchen, "anyone hungry?"

Harry went to sniff again when he felt the all too familiar wetness in his nose but paused, seeing how irritating it was becoming for everyone else. Instead, he went into the bathroom and blew his nose into a wad of toilet paper, scrunching it up and flushing it down the loo once he was finished.
He checked the insides of his throat in the mirror before he left the bathroom. Now that he'd stopped singing it wasn't as bad but in the mirror he could see that the skin was inflamed a bit. He closed his mouth with a sigh.

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