Strep throat- for Niallisababe2010

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"Come on, Lou. . ."

Louis didn't even recognise the voice that was croaking in his ear. The only connection he could make was to a great uncle, but he had a super strong accent that made his words impossible to translate. So it wasn't him.
It couldn't be anyway, how would his great uncle even get into his hotel room?

Louis yawned and rolled over, he must've imagined it.
"I don't wanna go out by myself, please wake up."
Not imagining it then. Louis frowned to himself an uncertainly opened his eyes, who the hell was in his room?


The Irishman shrugged meekly and rubbed his eyes.
"You sound really weird, I thought someone had gotten into our room." Louis smiled easily as he sat up and stretched his arms above his head, one shoulder cracking.
"My throat's killing, come with me to find a pharmacy?"

Niall had gone to bed feeling a little out of sorts with a dry, ticklish throat but by the time he woke at 5:00 that morning it had escalated to something else entirely. He couldn't swallow, breathe, talk, with pain flaring up all down his throat and as far as he could tell he had a fever too. While Louis was in bed with a sheet and a pair of shorts Niall stood over him in a thick jacket and long pants. His feet were sweating in his fluffy socks but when he took them off the chills got worse.

He just wanted a throat lollie. It would be so nice on the back of his mouth but they'd  run out. Plus he might be able to find something else to soothe his throat at the pharmacy.

Niall sat down on the end of Louis' bed, feeling a little shaky.

"You've got a cold?" Louis crawled over to sit beside Niall, peering at him, "your face is a tad pink."

"I think it's strep," Niall admitted, wincing at both the sound and feel of his voice. "I've got a fever."
"Oh mate, doesn't strep last forever? I've never had it, how are you feeling?"

"Gross." Niall coughed painfully and wiped a bead of sweat from his temple, "pharmacy?"
He wasn't going to bother with whole sentences anymore. If he could get away with simple one word prompts he would be a lot better off.

"You shouldn't be going out Ni," Louis sighed.
Niall shrugged and shivered.

Louis rubbed his back reassuringly and stood up, brushing his hair back with his fingers. "Get comfy in here, that bed is heavenly. I'm going to get the thermometer and go wake up Liam and Harry, they'll go to the pharmacy for you."

"No, they don't h-"
"They'll be fine Ni, you're not well. And we have a concert in two days, we need you good as soon as possible," Louis called as he started across the suite to Liam and Harry's room.

Harry was usually difficult to wake up properly. His limbs tended to flail and Louis gave up after Harry almost took his eye out with a finger.

Liam was a light sleeper anyway, but when Louis went over to shake him awake he was already scrolling on his phone mindlessly. He glanced over at the sound of Louis' footsteps, "g'mornin'," he grinned.

"Hey," Louis greeted. Then he gave a smile that Liam knew too well, it meant that Louis wanted something.

"What is it?" Liam groaned, knowing that Louis' requests were often less than pleasant.
"Please can you go find a pharmacy? Niall thinks he's got strep." Louis knocked his heels together and bounced hopefully.

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