Arc 1-81: Go to the red carpet

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Bai Yuezhi's operation, the system can be said to be terrified. Its host finally met someone who looks like him, and is so close to him, and now they are a couple. If that person suddenly Dead, or died during the operation, if such a thing really happened, the system felt that he might be split by his own host!

It took only one and a half hours for Sumter's operation to be completed. The Bai family also knows about the length of the other operations. The shorter time is more than two hours, and the longer time is more than three hours. Yes, that's all. However, it has been more than four and a half hours since Bai Yuezhi went in, and it seems to have been five hours. The two Bai Qitian and his wife who were waiting outside were extremely anxious, and Bai Qiyang had called several times.

Zhang Wan's face was a little pale, "Why did it take so long? Could it be that he was waiting for Yue Zhi to wake up, but Yue Zhi had already completed the operation?" Bai Qitian didn't speak, because he knew that the possibility was not high

Because before the operation started, he told the assistant in the laboratory that if Mr. Xiao didn't come out after the operation, let him come out to report his safety first. Now Mr. Xiao hasn't come out, not even the assistant of the laboratory said, it's definitely not waiting for the patient to wake up, or the operation is not over yet!

Bai Qitian's complexion was not very good-looking either.

Seven hours later, the assistant from the laboratory finally came out, and his face was also pale. He was really scared to death when he was inside before. Several times, Boss Bai was critically ill!

At that time, it was Mr. Xiao who was dealing with it, and I could only look at it stupidly, as if I couldn't do anything to help. At that time, he was really frustrated and frightened to death. Fortunately, Boss Bai finally made it through!

"How is it?" The moment Bai Qitian and his wife saw the laboratory assistant come out, they hurried forward, and Zhang Wan grabbed the other's arm even more excitedly.

"Boss Bai is fine now. The operation was very dangerous before. Fortunately, Mr. Xiao has taken care of everything. Now Boss Bai's vital signs have stabilized." The assistant in the laboratory said weakly, and he also accompanied Xiao. The husband has performed many operations, only this time, he really felt thrilling. It is completely incomparable with the soy sauce from before!

The faces of Bai Qitian and his wife changed. Is there really something wrong? No wonder it took so long.

"It's fine now, as long as it's fine." Zhang Wan's legs softened for a moment, and he almost couldn't stand up. Fortunately, his husband beside him helped him in time.

Now, Zhang Wan didn't even have the strength to ask what happened, and he didn't dare to ask, as long as people are fine now, as long as they are fine.

It was different from when he performed surgery on others, at that time Xiao Wangjun almost left immediately after finishing the operation, while Bai Yuezhi showed his closeness to the fullest, and waited for Bai Yue in the operating room. wake up. And it was late at night when Bai Yuezhi woke up.

"...Wang Jun."

Xiao Wangjun immediately looked over, moved closer to Bai Yuezhi, helped him up, and then gave him some water.

He used the recovery potion on Bai Yuezhi's body, so there is no need to be too careful now, after all, the most difficult level has actually passed.

After Bai Yuezhi drank some water, he was surprised to find that now... he didn't feel unwell. It's not the kind of feeling that the anesthesia has no sex after the operation, like... just waking up normally.

"I... what time is it?" Bai Yuezhi asked.

"It's eleven o'clock in the evening. Your operation took a long time. I gave you special medicine, so you slept for a long time. But now that you wake up, you will recover faster than others. I will carry you back Go." Xiao Wangjun said, already hugging Bai Yuezhi.

Bai Yuezhi was a little dazed, is it so late?

However, Xiao Wangjun had told him before that if there were no accidents in the surgery, it would be normal and it would take less than three hours, but now the other party said that his surgery took a long time... so there must have been some accidents, right?

Being picked up, Bai Yuezhi instinctively wrapped his hands around Xiao Wangjun's neck.

Both Bai Qitian and his wife hadn't slept yet. It can be said that they had been waiting in the living room. When they saw Xiao Wangjun carrying him out, they hurriedly greeted him, "Wangjun, Yuezhi woke up."

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