Arc 2-116: Distressed and Angry

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At this moment, Mo Lianzhi himself didn't know what kind of mood he was in.

He is a soldier and a special police officer. Logically speaking, he should be the first to encounter such a thing as kidnapping. I don't know how many kidnappers like this have been arrested before, so he should be the one who rushed to the front, but now, Mo Lianzhi only feels his whole body is stiff, and his legs don't know how to stand up.

During the process of waiting for Xiao Wangjun's return, Mo Lianzhi just sat there motionless, he knew instinctively that he should not do nothing, at least, he should have asked clearly what was going on just now.

On the phone just now, he should immediately ask who was kidnapped, he should ask Xiao Wangjun's address clearly, and then immediately chase after him. These are all what he should do, but his two legs are a little hard to move. There is a voice in his heart telling himself that no matter how cruel that person is, even if he may do things sometimes out of line, but... that People will never be real kidnappers.

The voice in my heart told me so.

But because he couldn't be completely sure, and because it seemed to go against the educational philosophy he had received since he was a child, Mo Lianzhi was still stiff until he heard the voice of Xiao Wangjun coming back to open the door.

Mo Lianzhi raised his head stiffly, and looked straight at Xiao Wangjun.

"Sit here and wait for me?" Xiao Wangjun approached Mo Lianzhi, sat down beside him, embraced the man's shoulder and leaned towards him, and then placed a kiss on the other's lips.

Mo Lianzhi unconsciously licked his lips, which brought a smile to Xiao Wangjun's eyes.

When the kiss stopped, Mo Lianzhi's breathing became a little messy. Xiao Wangjun gently touched the opponent's cheek, then touched the opponent's earlobe, and gently kneaded the opponent's earlobe with his fingertips.

The touch is as good as ever.

Mo Lianzhi blinked, looked at Xiao Wangjun and finally asked: "You said you kidnapped someone earlier, can you tell me what happened?"

Xiao Wangjun raised his eyebrows, "Very concerned?"

Mo Lianzhi pursed his lips lightly, as if he was a little nervous.

"... After all, the kidnapping itself is not very good, and it may bring other more serious consequences..." He thought about his words, and then he heard Xiao Wangjun laugh.

"If other people know that Officer Mo's partner is actually a kidnapper, Officer Mo will be affected too, right?"

Mo Lianzhi pursed his lips and shook his head, "I don't care about this, I'm just worried that you will have trouble yourself... This is the capital city, it's not that simple, although the crime rate here is not low, but the police's detection rate is very high..."

Xiao Wangjun blinked again, "It's true what you said, I'm a layman, and I haven't done kidnapping before. If this is discovered, I'm afraid... the possibility is quite high when I think about it. Then, Officer Mo, can you tell me how I can not be discovered? "

Mo Lianzhi stopped talking, and Xiao Wangjun could see that the other party's expression became more rigid.

Xiao Wangjun looked at the other party with great interest, Mo Lianzhi didn't speak for a long time, just when Xiao Wangjun thought that the other party would not even open his mouth and wanted to go to dinner first, the other party suddenly said: "If you believe me, Leave that person and address to me, and I will handle this matter... You can also tell me what kind of result you want to achieve, and leave the rest to me."

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