Arc 2-122: Wiping the Feather Duster

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Mo Lianzhi also only found out what happened on the Internet this morning. He also watched all the videos and recordings, and his face was ashen.

I finally know why the police said that the kidnappers took the ransom.

Xiao Wangfeng! Hehe, what a Xiao Wangfeng!

Xiao Wangjun was still sleeping, Mo Lianzhi didn't go to work after breakfast, but... went to the police station.

He came to inquire about the progress of the case, and also to ask... whether Xiao Wangfeng needs to be responsible for this!

After more than a week, Mo Lianzhi felt relieved a lot. Although he didn't know what was going on, the police might find out Bai Lulian's location by accident, or someone deliberately revealed it.

However, they never discovered that Xiao Wangjun had appeared at the scene from the beginning to the end!

Xiao Wangjun said that his tail was kept clean, and Mo Lianzhi believed most of it now, so he came to the police station confidently.

The police said that Xiao Wangfeng must be asked for questioning, but this case... is complicated because the kidnapper may be from the capital, but the parties involved in the case are not in the capital now.

Therefore, it was still the police from the capital and Sioux City who jointly handled the case.

However, the police also said that Xiao Wangfeng's situation... is actually a bit complicated. After all, those audio and video cannot actually be used as evidence.

And Bai Lulian is fine now, if Bai Lulian signs the letter of understanding, Xiao Wangfeng...doesn't need to pay any responsibility at all, the most is that Xiao Wangjun can recover the one thousand dollars that should have been given to the kidnappers but was ignorant of Xiao Wangfeng. Ten thousand.

Mo Lianzhi's heart may not be clear, but he couldn't swallow this breath.

So, Mo Lianzhi asked someone to push him on the Internet, and Xiao Wangfeng, who was already very popular... became even more popular.

When Xiao Wangfeng woke up, it was already past ten o'clock in the morning, and the sky had already changed.

No cronies came to tell him what happened. Those who drank with him yesterday were either still awake, or woke up but didn't want to tell him, they just wanted to see a joke.

When Xiao Wangfeng was still leaving the hotel, he always felt that the waiter inside was looking at him in the wrong way before he realized what happened.

When Xiao Wangfeng found out what happened from the Internet, his face turned pale.

That's when the police found him.

Not long after Xiao Wangfeng arrived at the police station, Bai Lulian also arrived.

Xiao Wangfeng wept bitterly, saying that he just thought about it for a while, that he knew he was wrong, that he was sorry for Bai Lulian, and begged her for forgiveness.

The system clicked twice: "Master, Bai Lulian still took Xiao Wangfeng away, it seems that she really loves this little son."

Xiao Wangjun was not surprised by this.

Then the system happily said: "Host, the heroine's luck value has lost thirty-five percent."

The system felt that this was a major breakthrough!

However, the system is still a bit puzzled. Now the problem is Xiao Wangfeng. Although the heroine and Xiao Wangfeng are now boyfriend and girlfriend, but the unlucky one is Xiao Wangfeng, and the relationship with the heroine should not be great.

So, how did the heroine lose her luck?

"Well." Xiao Wangjun said meaningfully: "It will continue to be lost."

The system was immediately excited when he heard the words, which is really great. Although only the female lead has lost more, the male lead... also It's not too late!


The Mo family.

When Mo Chen came back from get off work, he saw his wife sitting on the sofa concentrating on her mobile phone. Mo Chen was a little surprised. His wife is not the kind of person who likes to play with mobile phones.

The other party also occasionally brushes Moments, and hardly does anything else.

Mo Chen walked over, "Why are you watching so intently?"

Fang Mingyan pursed her lips and threw away her phone, "I just feel a little sympathetic to Xiao Wangjun's mother."

Xiao Wangjun? Mo Chen paused, and when he heard the name, he immediately looked at his wife, "What's going on, what happened?"

"You don't know yet?" Fang Mingyan glanced at her husband, "It's very lively on the Internet. It's on the headlines, you can see for yourself."

Mo Chen didn't know why this was the headlines again, although Fang Mingyan was kidnapped, she didn't make the headlines when she was kidnapped, so why is it on the headlines now? To the kidnappers?

Soon, Mo Chen realized that it was not what he thought. He looked at the content on the Internet, and his brows became more and more wrinkled. As far as I know, it seems that they have always been favored, but I really didn't expect that they would do such a thing."

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