Arc 3-149: Shameless

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Afterwards, Xiao Wangjun and Yu Hengzhi went up another floor, walked around here casually, took some usable things and left the mall.

As for the protagonist, now that they have met, the system can lock on the other party, and there is no need to worry about finding out where the other party is.

Xiao Wangjun suspects that this time he only got 10% of the luck points, which may be related to certain restrictions. For example, if you only slap someone in the face once, it is impossible to get all the luck points on the other person, so If you want to plunder those luck values, you need to do it slowly, and you have to do it slowly. Every time you meet, you make the other party unlucky, or make the other party unlucky because of you, so that you can slowly get the luck from the other party value.

Sure enough, in the next few days, I listened to the system's report on the protagonist. Xiao Wangjun also confirmed this point. For example, Shen Mi'an's prestige in the team was really very high before. Everyone came here to listen to him. The other party was also a well-known figure when he was in school.

And after being treated like that by Xiao Wangjun last time, his prestige in the team was not so high, and because he was missing two front teeth, he couldn't make up for it... The other party's appearance was affected by the girls, so In the past few days, his words in the team are not so effective, and some people even laugh at him behind his back.

Some even complained that he was indiscriminately meddling in other people's affairs before. If it hadn't happened, they wouldn't have offended such a strong man. Therefore, Shen Mi'an was very angry these days, so angry that he didn't even want to be his own holy father. Yes, with a sullen face for a long time.

So in the past few days, the other party has lost another three percentage points one after another. Although three percentage points are quite small, they have indeed lost one after another! And they have just met the protagonist, so they are still very satisfied with the opponent's speed system that lost a percentage point.

I got thirteen percent in a few days, can it be dissatisfied?

In the past few days, Xiao Wangjun and his car have already circled the entire city center several times. Xiao Wangjun pointed out that he had to deal with the zombies of the third level. Nowadays, the number of zombies of the third level has gradually increased in the past few days, and Yu Hengzhi's strength has also advanced to the third level. And because human beings are smarter than zombies after all, and human beings know how to use tools reasonably, therefore, the same third-level human beings can force the third-level zombies.

And the old cats and the others are now at the second level of abilities, and they should be the peak of the second level, the kind that can enter the third level at any time.

Xiao Wangjun felt that the reason why they hadn't entered the third level was that they still needed two battles.

So this time when he found a third-level speed zombie again, Xiao Wangjun threw that zombie in front of Lao Mao and the others.

The three old cats: "..."

It's still their brother Xiao who is ruthless!

Brother Xiao was even more ruthless, because he not only threw the third-level speed zombie, he also threw a mutated second-level animal zombie, which was a big black dog.

The big black dog is very huge, although it seems to have lost weight after becoming a zombie, and even the skeleton can be seen. But even if you can only see the skeleton, you can know how majestic this big black dog was when he was alive.

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