Chapter 3 || Mystery

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Take care of you 🎼

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Take care of you 🎼

Ruthira picked Nidra up from her school and buckled her to the baby seat. "Amma, I had fun today! We painted family. Want to see", Nidra happily chirped.

"Of course ma, but let's get home first okay"? Nidra nodded and Ruthira settled herself in the driver's seat. She played some music to entertain Nidra.

"We don't talk about Brunoooooooo", Nidra screamed, thinking that she was singing. "Aiyo", Ruthira mumbled to herself as she rubbed her ear.

Suddenly, her vision blurred. She couldn't see the road infront of her. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath. "AMMA CAR"!

"Shit", Ruthira snapped her eyes open and swerved the car to the left. "Nidra, are you okay"? "Hmmm". "Eyy, don't you know how to drive", the other driver got off the car and started screaming.

"Oh hello! You came into my lane. Open your eyes first", Ruthira got out. "Of course, it's a woman who was driving", the guy rolled his eyes. "What the hell do you mean by that"?

"Women are bad drivers. That's it". Ruthira sarcastically laughed, "women are bad drivers. Sir, look down and see the line. It's your car that's outside the lane not mine. There's a kid in the car, I can file a complaint against you".

The guy gulped his saliva and walked away, "both of us are wrong. Take care, drive safely". Getting into his car, he drove away. Ruthira sighed and resumed driving.

Without her realisation, her eyes rolled back and her head hit the back of the seat. With a sudden break, she stopped the car. No I can't drive. Not with Nidu. She pulled over and called Rudra.

Rudra: Yes, Ruthira?

Ruthira: Are you free?

Rudra: No, I'm in my class. Why?

Ruthira: What time do you end?

Rudra: In an hour or so, what happened?

Ruthira: I don't feel good.

Rudra: Where are you, what happened?

Ruthira: I was driving after fetching Nidra and suddenly my vision is blurry. I feel giddy and it's not my migraine.

Rudra: Ruthira, pull over.

Ruthira: I did, I'm three lanes away from Nidu's school.

Rudra: Okay stay there. Don't drive and don't go anywhere. Just stay in the car with Nidra. I'll come as fast as I can.

Ruthira: Okay, bye.

Rudra: Bye.

"Are you hungry, Nidu", Ruthira asked as she laid her head on the steering wheel. "A little". "Can you take Amma's bag. Inside, there's a chips packet. Have it".

Nidra happily emptied the whole bag on the place beside her. As she did that, Ruthira's Ipad dropped to the ground. "Oops, sorry Amma".

"Nidra.... Nevermind", she mumbled, not having the energy to scold her. "Why we here and not moving"? "Appa's coming to drive us home, so we are waiting for him". "YAYYY", Nidra cheered.

As Nidra continued asking many questions, Ruthira's headache grew. She picked up her Ipad and played Nidra's favourite movie. Sliding the iPad into the car pocket, she spoke, "Nidu, Amma's going to rest for a while. Can you watch this movie till then"?

Nidra nodded and happily watched the movie, munching on her chips. Ruthira continued resting on the steering wheel. Sleep took over her in seconds.


"Yes, you can stop here". Rudra paid the auto driver the money and rushed to the car parked infront. "Ruthira", he shouted, knocking on the window but received no response.

"RUTHIRA"! He tried calling her phone but she was not attending it. "Appa"? "Bubba. Bubba, is Amma there"? "She's sleeping". He rubbed his forehead.

"Bubba, can you wake her up". "Okie". "Amma, wake up! Appa is here", Nidra kicked the back of Ruthira's seat. With a jerk, she woke up and was startled.

"Appa outside". She quickly pulled the windscreen down. "Oh, thank god", Rudra mumbled. "Come", he opened the door and brought her out.

"Are you still feeling dizzy"? "A little but it's better than just now", she mumbled. "Let's go to the doctor", Rudra said sternly as he walked her to the passenger seat.

Once she was comfortable, he declined the seat to the back so that she could rest. Buckling the seatbelt, he pecked her head. "There's no need to go to the doctors. It's probably because I didn't have breakfast and lunch".

Rudra glared at her sleeping form, "how many times must I tell you to not skip your meals, Ruthira"! "How many time Luthila", Nidra mimicked. "This girl", Ruthira helplessly whispered with her eyes closed.


"Careful", Rudra made Ruthira lie on the bed. "I'll go cook something light". "No, I don't feel like eating". Rudra taunted her, "what did madam eat since the morning that she's so full"?

Ruthira pouted and looked away. Just like he said, Rudra made some upma. "Rudra, who eats upma for dinner", she visibly gagged.

"Your daughter and husband enjoy having upma, but look at you. Embarrassing", he dramatically gasped, stuffing the upma in her mouth. "WOOF"!

"NIDRA, WHAT DID YOU DO", Ruthira screamed from the room. "Nothing Amma". "Come here". Nidra walked in with her head bowed.

"What happened outside"? "It's no my fault, Amma. I give Butter Upma and he cry. So I put inside his water", she said like she achieved something. "Nidra.... Why would you do that. Go and eat".

"Relax Ruthira", he rubbed her shoulders and fed her the last morsel of the upma.


Since it was a weekend, Nidra had no school. Rudra had went to his college since there was a make up lesson he had to go to. Veera had brought Nidra down to the playground earlier.

She was helping since Ruthira was busy with her work. Nidra usually played with her friends in the residence for about an hour or two.

Initially when Ruthira tried sitting in the playground to do her work, she couldn't concentrate with all the noises. For a period of time, she stopped sending Nidra as she had to do her work but one of Nidra's friend's mother volunteered to take care of Nidra.

So either Veera or Ruthira will send her down and after an hour or two, they will go and pick her up.

When Ruthira was focusing on her report, the main door opened. Glancing behind, she saw Nidra walking in slowly. "Someone's early", she smiled as she typed. "Amma"? "Hmmm", she hummed, eyes not drifting from the screen.

"Amma ba- ba-", Nidra mumbled. "What is it, ma"? Nidra whispered with tears running down her cheeks,

"Bad touch".

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Upma is good y'all 😭😭
But if someone mixes that with water then they are a different species *cough cough* Nidra.


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