Chapter 34 || Peace

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A Week Later

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A Week Later

"Amma", Nidra passed the handphone to Ruthira. "What did Appa say", she asked. "Secret. You want you call", Nidra rolled her eyes and went in.

"Nidra"! Ruthira trailed behind her. "What did I tell you about rolling your eyes? It's a bad habit and it's very rude". Nidra nodded absentmindedly and played with the Rooster in the backyard.

"Sorry, Amma", she said. Ruthira hummed, looking at her phone. In the past week, Rudra had always called her every single day, twice. But all the time only Nidra picked the phone up.

If it was a video call, she'll make sure she wasn't being seen in the camera. There was a yearning within her heart to talk to him but she was scared.

Scared she'll lose everything all over again. Little did she know her yearnings were to be fulfill soon.


"Okay, we're leaving", Ruthira told Harikrishnan and Kamala. She had started teaching little kids Bharatanatyam in the temple near the house. And it had also been a week since Nidra started learning Bharatanatyam.

If someone were to ask Ruthira who was the most difficult student, without a single thought, she'll point to her own daughter. Her daughter who never listened to instructions. Her daughter who loved running away to take the Prasadam every single time.

Nidra was equivalent to 10 kids. If Nidra was mischievous, her mother was 10 times more than that. Ruthira knew no matter what, Nidra will have to learn dancing or singing. She wanted to instill Indian culture within her kid.

"Nidra, stay still", she helped Nidra straighten her back while she was sitting in the aramandi position. "Okay kids, hands on your hips". She sat down and took the wooden thaalam mani kattai in her hand.

"Ready"? All the kids except Nidra nodded

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"Ready"? All the kids except Nidra nodded.

"Ta tai tai ta
Dhit tai tai ta
Ta tai tai ta
Dhit tai tai ta".

"Can we do all we have learned since day one? The Tatta Adavu, Natta Adavu and Visharu Adavu". "Yes"! "No", Nidra scowled. "Nidra, if you are not interested, kindly sit at the side. You are blocking", Ruthira sternly said, glaring at her.

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