Chapter 21 || Evil

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"What rubbish is this"! Urmila threw the bunch of papers on the table

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"What rubbish is this"! Urmila threw the bunch of papers on the table. Everyone in the conference room flinched except one person.

"It's been two months since your daughter died! If you want to work here make sure your mind is here. What kind of report are you giving me? Bullshit"!

"Don't- don't bring my daughter into this, please", Ruthira mumbled softly. Everyone in the room felt pity for her. "Then learn how to do a freaking report"! Ruthira nodded, looking down not wanting anyone to see her tears.

"Get up"! Confused, she got up the chair. "Get out of the room, now! I don't want anyone who's not capable of doing a simple report, sitting infront of me. OUT"!

She shivered as she packed her things. Andrea was about to speak up when Ruthira held her hand. She lightly shook her head and continued getting her things.

Kabir noticed how her hands trembled. "HURRY"! Ruthira flinched and jogged out of the room. "That was not necessary! You don't have any rights to bring up about her personal life"! Urmila look at Andrea in shock.

"Andrea sit down". "No, I won't! I'm going to report your unprofessional behaviour to the HR. You think just because Aaruthira doesn't say anything you can do whatever you want"?

"Andr-". "She's right, Ma'am. You didn't have to bring up about her late daughter. Even the other day I noticed how you were mocking her. It isn't right. The report is perfectly done. I don't understand what more you need", Kabir snapped.

"Kabir, you are new here. You don't know how we work". "Then why do you think Aaruthira who has been working here for 7 years doesn't know how to do a report"?

Urmila was speechless seeing so many people defend Ruthira. "M- meeting is over", she declared and stormed out of the room. Rushing to Ruthira's cabin, she banged open the door.

Ruthira flinched as the water poured all over her black saree. Urmila moved angrily towards her. "I- I'll fix the report", Ruthira mumbled, not meeting her eyes.

Urmila grabbed her arm tightly, cutting off the blood supply. "Ah", Ruthira grimaced, trying to push her away.

"No matter how many people are there to defend you, you are disgusting. This black is the colour of your heart", she jabbed above Ruthira's heart forcefully, with her nails.

"Ouch! Why- why are you doing this", she whimpered. "Because I hate you. They want to make you the head of the department. Only I can be the head, no one else is to share the position with me".

"If they ever offer you the position, you better decline it. Or else... remember Siddharth"? Ruthira took a sharp breath hearing his name.

"When we assigned Kabir Siddharth's cabin, I found a thumb drive. Turns out the thumb drive had some wonderful photos", Urmila smirked. "I- I wi- will resign".

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