Chapter 19 || Wrenching

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Ruthira sat in the living room, looking nowhere

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Ruthira sat in the living room, looking nowhere. From the corner of her eyes, she could see Nidra peeping at her. Her heart yearned to call her but her mind stopped her.

You want to kill her, as well?

No, it's better if I don't talk to her, she thought within herself.

"Bubba, come eat breakfast", Rudra called her. Nidra slowly walked to the table, all the while hoping her mother would spare her a glance, she never got for a month.

"Toast"? "Yes, it's already late. Appa will buy you something nice for dinner, okay"? Nidra hummed. Butter was sitting infront on Ruthira.

"Butter, breakfast", Rudra shook his food packet to gain his attention and poured it on the bowl. "Aluuu", Butter tired pulling her hand.

"I'll eat later, Butter. You go". Despite being hungry, Butter stood firm with his decision to get her to eat. When Butter didn't give up, she sighed and walked to the kitchen.

Taking an apple, she took a small bite out of it. "Now go". Butter wagged his tail and went to his breakfast bowl. From the kitchen, she saw Nidra and Rudra leaving the house.


The next morning, Nidra excitedly dragged her bag to the living room. "Butter, I got star for my drawing. You want see", she said loudly, trying to gain her mother's attention. "Ma'am said it's the best, Butter".

She took out the drawing from her bag and kept it infront of Butter. "Nice, right"? "Woof"! The husky barked in agreement. "Bubba, come shower", Rudra shouted from the room.

Nidra pouted a little when Ruthira did not come out of the room. "Coming", she mumbled and when to the toilet.

Once she went, Ruthira slowly peeped outside. When she saw no one, she rushed to the drawing on the floor. Taking the paper, she kissed it and hugged it to her chest.

"Nidu's so talented", she told Butter. After making sure she took a photo of it, she went back to the room.


"Butter, I'm leaving to the grocery store. Be a good boy, okay", Ruthira rubbed his head and left the house. She wanted to surprise Nidra with her favourite food as a reward for her beautiful drawing.

When she took the elevator, internally she prayed no one will take the same one. She wasn't ready to answer their questions. "Thank god", she sighed when the elevator passed the seventh floor where Jwala and Rashi resided.

Story 5

Story 4

Story 3...

The elevator stopped and the doors opened. Jwala walked in with a frown when she saw Ruthira.

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