Chapter 16 || Butter

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Oru Dheivam Thandha Poove 🎼

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Oru Dheivam Thandha Poove 🎼

Ruthira waited outside Nidra's school with Aathira in her arms. "Amma"! Nidra paddled to her. "Hello, baby", she kissed her sister's cheek.

"Gaurav, this is my sister, Aathira", Nidra introduced her sister to her friend. Gaurav gave Nidra a bored look, "this is the ten time you are telling me. Shhh"!

Nidra pouted while Ruthira chuckled at the kids' behaviour. "Hello, baby", Gaurav kissed Aathira's hand. "Gu", Aathira squeaked. "She likes you", Nidra clapped.

Gaurav's mother Kirti came and picked Gaurav up not before a light chat with Ruthira.


"Amma, I'm hungry", Nidra whined as she placed her school bag on the couch. "Shower first". Despite her protest, Ruthira made Nidra shower.

"Do you want Maggi or Cheese Sandwich"? "MAGGI", Nidra jumped. "Do you want it with egg"? Ruthira put the pot of water to boil.

"Yes"! She added the seasoning to the water and waited. "WAAH WAAH"! "Shhh Aathira", Nidra closed her ears. Ruthira sighed while quickly walking to the cradle.

"Amma baby also hungry", Nidra asked, tilting her head to the side. "Most probably", Ruthira took the baby bottle from the table and fed Aathira. After feeding her, she was patting her back to make her burp.

"Water pouring", Nidra shouted.

Fuck, the Maggi!

Ruthira quickly put Aathira in the cradle and ran to the kitchen. "Nidu move"! She peeped into the pot to see the water starting to boil only now.

"Nidu, the water is not yet boiling". "Got sound", Nidra innocently mumbled. Ruthira slightly smiled as she added the noodles. But she chided herself internally for being so careless.

"And your noodles is done". She gave Nidra her Dora bowl. "Thank kiew Amma", Nidra kissed her cheeks. "Aww, no problem", she kissed her cheeks back.

Ruthira had saved some plain noodles for Butter. It was his favourite snack. It was definitely not a healthy one, but he had it only once in a blue moon.

"Wob uh", Butter licked Ruthira's hands after she fed him the noodles. "Love you too", she kissed his head and hands. "Nidra once you're done, put the plate on the table".

Nidra nodded while slurping the delicious goodness. Ruthira involved herself for the next hour in doing laundry, sweeping the floor, cooking, folding and other house works.

When she was washing the utensils, Nidra walked in with her teddy bear in her arms. "What happened, ma? Why are you crying"? "Ni- nightmare", Nidra quivered.

Within seconds it turned into a full fledged cry as she leapt into her mother's arms. "It's okay, it's just a dream. Amma's here". Ruthira washed her hands and picked her up.

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