Chapter 76 || Lost

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'Tring Tring'!

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'Tring Tring'!

"Rudra phone", Ruthira groaned, trying to continue her sleep. "Let it be", Rudra mumbled before tucking the blanket under his neck. Eventually none of them picked it up, and the call was cut. The quietness lasted for a few seconds until the next call. This time it was her phone.

"Ugh", she let out a groan in annoyance and took the phone from the bedside table. "Ma"? She frowned, confused. Tapping the green icon, she placed it on her ear, "hello"?

Ruthira's sleepiness disappeared as her features tightened. Pushing Rudra's hand away from her torso, she sat up. "When"? As Maitra talked, she couldn't help but steal a glance at Rudra who was deep in sleep. "Okay, Ma", she hung the call.

"Rudra", she said but no voice came out. "R- Rudra", she forced her voice out and tapped his shoulder this time. "Wake up". "Sleep, Ruthira. It's only 2.54, wake up at 6", Rudra drowsily glanced at the display clock.

"Rudra, listen". "I am listening. What is it", he sighed knowing she wasn't going to let him have a peaceful sleep. "T- Thakuma passed away". A lone tear fell from her eyes as she let those words out.

"Don't". Rudra sat up with a straight face and pointed his finger at her. "Don't you dare say anything like that as a joke". Ruthira closed her eyes allowing the rest of the tears to fall. "Ma just called. She said Thakuma had a cardiac arrest in her sleep. Dadu tried-". "No, you're lying. Ma is lying. Thakuma is fine, stop saying such stuff to prank me"!

"Rudra, please. Ma called us to come over". Rudra stared at her without any expression for almost 5 minutes. "Cry, please", she cupped his cheeks. "Go change", without any hint of emotions, he stormed towards the cupboard and took a shirt out.

"Stop looking at me, I'm fine". "You're not". "I'll go get Nidra", saying that he rushed out of the room. Ruthira wiped the strand of tear and started packing the diaper bag with Eashev's disper and clothes. After doing that, she changed her clothes and took the bag out.

She changed Eashev's diaper and her clothes. In the living room Rudra was patting Nidra's back while staring at the wall ahead. Butter sensed something was wrong and rested his head on his lap. Ruthira touched his shoulder, jerking him. "Let's go". "Hmmm".

Once they settled in the car, Rudra drove. Ruthira held his hand tightly, leaning her head on his shoulder. "Amma"? She heard Nidra's voice and turned back. "Yes"? "Where are we going", she snuggled into her blanket.

Ruthira looked at Rudra for a second, "somewhere important. Just sleep, we'll wake you up once we reach". "Okay", Nidra closed her eyes and within seconds her light snores echoed.

Ruthira closed her eyes allowing the tears soak in her cheeks as she laid on his shoulder again. Her grandmother in law's lost was hurting but seeing her husband without any response was more hurtful. She was scared. Scared that he will shut everyone out and be deeply affected.

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