Bruce To Steve

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hey did you know we have 4 dogs, 4 cats, a chick, a duck, and 3 sugar gliders



no I did not know that


one of the dogs is clints


and the other three are thor's

one is a dobberman

i dont even know what the other two are


the birds are loki's


the sugar gliders are also thor's


i didn't even know we had animals


i dont know 100% where these cats came from




have they always been here or did thor adopt them or


why are you telling me this


bc everybody else is too wrapped up in their own shit to pay attention to my confusion over these random animals i forgot we had


ah I see


hey did you know daredevil is here


yes I did


did you know that wanda and vision are moving in


no that's awesome


yeah tony was a little mad that fury didn't just let vision stay here in the first place


bc you know




yeah can I just say I dislike the voice he chose for the new AI


yeah he mentioned that

I don't care for it much either but then again I think we just find it weird that it's not JARVIS

slash the vision


hey uh what day is it




can you remind tony about the thing


what thing


just say the thing he'll know what it is. I cant remember the word




Nat is out with Maria and apparently Matt is like. concerned about something


is it to do with Foggy?


i mean when is it not




apparently he's coming here

and so are wade and peter, that's fun


here's a quick question. anyone seen thor or loki




i gotta go i may have made a grave mistake


like what?


like mentioning we didn't have any fish or lizards i must go stop them from what i fear they are doing


oh god


we're gonna end up with 30 lizards this is all my fault

this is worse than ultron


whatever banner

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