Tony's POV

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When he goes down to the lab, it's dark; not unusual, since JARVIS shuts off the lights to save power, but it's a bit inconvenient right now because he's clumsy and he runs into literally everything. Eventually he finds the light switch and flicks it on, only to see Steve sitting on his couch with the tv on low.

"Steve?" Tony blinked. "What are you doing down here at..." he strained to remember what time Sam said it was. "Five AM?"

"Tony?" Steve asked. He had a deer caught in the headlights look that was unfairly cute.

"That's me," Tony confirmed, draping himself over the cushions next to the other man. "Haven't slept in a while, bad day- I'm an eccentric genius. And this is my lab. What's your excuse?"

"I've been frozen in time for eighty years," Steve offered drily, and Tony barked a laugh. Steve had only been frozen for 70 years. Tony decided not to correct him.

"Right," he said. "I guess that would give you a bit of a free pass, huh?"

"I only use it for good," Steve promised solemnly, and then broke into a grin. They leaned into each other almost by accident.

The lull of the tv and the warmth of another body was enough to get them both to drift off.

"Why'd you come down here to sleep?" Tony asked sleepily when they were both almost asleep.

"It's like you down here," Steve mumbled almost incoherently.

"What's that mean?" Tony half laughed and half slurred into Steve's shoulder.

"Safe cos you," Steve breathed into Tony's hair. "It's you,"

Tony never slept better in his life.

"Aughstffshtmuph," Tony said when a decidedly high-pitched squeal woke him up. "Mfwhat? JARVIS?"

JARVIS' "Good morning, Sir," was nearly lost under a whoop of glee and a female (Natasha?) voice telling Clint to calm down. The flash of a camera is what woke Tony up the rest of the way.

"What?" he repeated, finally opening his eyes. For a moment nothing made sense, until he realized that his face was mashed half in Steve's neck and half in Steve's chest.

"What?!" he said again, more frantically, and jerked away. Steve started blinking, confused, with a cushion crease along one side of his face. Don't think he's adorable, but how can I not he's so cute holy fuck i'm so far gone this is a lost cause. "This isn't what it looks like! Or, you know, it is, if what it looks like is that we fell asleep watching teevee. Because that is. What happened. Um," he rubbed his face. "Coffee,"

"I'm sending this to Virginia," Natasha said. Fuck, Pepper. And Rhodeys going to know about it by the end of the day. Maybe he can hack his phone...

"Oh man, wait 'till Fury hears about this,"

"They are adorable, aren't they?"

"What's going on?" That's Steve, still hazy from sleep, hair mashed flat on one side. "Is there trouble?"

"No," and that's Bruce, what the Hell, is the entire tower here? Why do they only show up when Tony's embarrasing himself? "Nat was just chatting up Tony's Artificial Intelligence and he mentioned you two were down here," Bruce continued. At least he didn't sound smug like Clint or Natasha. Those evil ninjas.

"Coffee," Tony repeated, too tired to care that JARVIS told them he was sleeping with Captain America and not that kind of sleeping with him don't imagine it Tony don't you fucking do it oops too late it's too early for this get some freaking "Coffee?"

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