Q&A answers!

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What does Lee actually think of Grace?

Lee blushed a little. "I, well uh… she's like a… a sister, yeah, that's right! She's like a sister to me. She's super sweet, you know, and kind, and pretty. Um, next question!"

To my lovelies Gred and Forge, what led to you being so protective about Grace?

The boys exchanged a look.

"Well, we always knew there were home problems." George admitted. 

"Things just felt off." Fred agreed. "And, well, she was always scared and shy…"

"She had panic attacks a lot more then-"

"-plus the whole not talking thing.."

"Plus, we just love her." They said together. 

"We're siblings, we'll always be there for her, just like she's there for us." 

Tell me about you and Remus.

"Oh, well, we're cousins, so that's really nice. Him and my Mama were super close growing up, which is part of the reason we're close, and, you know, he did find me after… yeah. He's amazing. 

Who's your favorite sibling?

"Oh, oh that's not fair.." Grace laughs nervously. "Um, do my pets count?" 

Several protests came from her siblings. 

"Alright, alright. I just… I love all of them.. oh, I know!" She smirks. "Bill is my favorite Bill, Charlie is my favorite Charlie, Percy is… oh, well I don't really like… I'm kidding! Don't look at me like that, anyway, Fred is my favorite Fred, George is my favorite George, Ron is my favorite Ron, and Ginny is my favorite sister of course!"

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