2~ Diagon Alley and Hogwarts again

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Diagon Alley!" Fred stated clearly, a hand on Grace's shoulder. Green fire erupted everywhere, Kayda let out a happy shriek, while Grace closed her eyes tightly. The fire was the reason she still couldn't floo by herself. It reminded her of the dark mark.

"We're here Grace." Fred told her and stepped around her out of the fireplace, giving her a hand out.

They flooed right into the middle of the alley, Grace took in the sight slowly, it was busy and loud. 

"Oi! Gracie! Fred!" Someone shouted. She smiled and turned to find Lee walking towards them.

"Oh hi!" Grace said happily, hugging him after he and Fred had done their handshake. 

"Gigi has got a wicked prank like thing planned for the feast," Fred informed him, "just wait till George gets here." Lee nodded. After a moment George had shown up and greeted Lee. They headed to Flourish blotts and Grace whispered her plan to him while finding their books.

"So I'll be signing for the whole train ride and feast, then when Dumbledore is talking, I'll raise my hand and say something out loud about talking now and then sit back down."

"Brilliant! Nobody will suspect it!" Lee exclaimed. I'll look forward to it, I need to go back to my mum, but I'll see you guys in a bit, yeah?" He high-fived the twins and hugged Grace, lingering just a second longer than usual, and disappeared into the crowd. 

Grace felt a small blush on her cheeks. But shook it off. The store was getting full from Gilderoy Lockhart signing his books. Grace heard their family enter and they headed that way, Grace squeezing next to Harry. 

"How was your first floo?" She asked. 

"Adventeruss." He gave her a brief explanation. 

"That's brilliant! You know-" 

"My goodness, is that Harry Potter and Grace Gansta? It is! Come up here! come up." 

Grace and Harry stayed where they were, bewildered and unsure until the overly happy blond man yanked them both up. Grace jerked her hand away as the press started taking pictures. 

"Nice big smiles you two." He said through his own. "We're worth the front page!" When they were done, they tried to slip away but he threw one arm over Harry's shoulder, and one around Grace's waist. She immediately went stiff as a board. 

Hands all over her. She kept asking them to stop...

Lockhart started talking. 

"Ladies and gentlemen! What you see here today is the boy who lived through the killing curse, and the only girl who lived through a death eater attack without help from the outside world! Both together and with me, the-" 

Everyone was staring and cheering. Things were getting blurry and when a pile of books were dropped in her arms, she stumbled forward. Someone took the books from her and someone else pulled her back off the stage. She was vaguely aware of Harry giving his books to Ginny, and Malfoy showing up.

Lee's dark face appeared in front of her.

"Hey, Grace, I'm here, okay? I'm right here. Where's your inhaler?" Grace patted her pocket and he got it out, helping her take a breath. "Breathe with me, ready? In…. Out…. In…. Out…."

"Where's everyone?" She gasped out. 

"Hoping your dad and Lucius Malfoy don't kill each other." He glanced at her arm and Grace realized that the gauze was showing, she hastily pulled her sleeve down. "Grace, what-" there was a crash and shouts. Lee ran towards the sound, dragging Grace with him. 

Her Dad and Mr. Malfoy were literally at each other's throats. Grace yelped, and backed into Lee who put an arm around her, bringing her close. Luckily, Hagrid came along at that moment to break up the fight.

"Take your used books girl," Lucius snarled, "it's the best your father can give you." And with that, he left the shop, Draco, who was hanging his head, at his heels.

. . .

The rest of the month and a half passed quickly. The morning they needed to leave for Hogwarts was insanely busy. Grace fell down the stairs twice, once because Percy pushed her accidentally, and the other time because she was running from Ron and literally flew off the steps.

And that was why she was now sitting on top of the blue ford, waiting for her family to be finished. Her Dad had shown Harry how the expansion charm worked and soon they were all in the car. Ginny sat up front with the adults while the rest of them slipped in the back. Kayda was curled up in Grace's jean pocket, snoring quietly. 

Before long they were at the train station with only minutes to spare, Percy went through first, then George, Fred, and Grace. Almost everyone was on and Lee showed up just in time to help them get the trunks on.

"I was worried you wouldn't make it!" He exclaimed as they found a compartment. They sat down and he kept Grace in a half hug as he talked with the twins, Grace adding to the conversation in sign language whenever a student passed the window. Hermione came in once to see if they had seen Ron and Harry, which they hadn't, but left soon after.

. . .

Grace woke up to Lee shaking her gently, it was dark outside and she could see the castle in the distance. 

"Hey, want to make a tradition?" He whispered with a smile, Grace smirked and nodded. She put her robe on over her clothes and the two of them left to find Fred and George waiting outside Malfoy's compartment. 

"You know the charm?" George asked, Grace nodded and thought the spell, pointing her wand through a crack in the door then shutting it and running down the hall as the train slowed. 

When it stopped the four of them headed to the last carriage. 

"It's really cool how they're pulled with magic, I've no idea what charm they use…" 

Grace froze. In front of her was a ginormous  black horse, it's bones showed through it's tight skin, with tattered and holey wings. She reached out gently to touch it and it nudged her happily. 

"Uh, Grace… What are you doing?" Fred asked quietly. 

"You can't see it?" She whispered. "It's beautiful."

"Gigi, there's nothing there," George said warily. 

"No! Look." she took his hand and helped him stroke the horse's side, his eyes widened.

"Fred! Lee! Look at this!" The other boys came over slowly and Grace helped Fred touch it, then reached for Lee's hand, but he was already putting the beast.

"Lee? Can you see it too?" She asked, "Do you know what it's called?" Lee took a breath, then nodded.

"They're called Thestrals." He said quietly. "You can only see them if you've seen someone die." The twins seemed shocked into silence, Grace touched his arm.

"Oh. Lee-"

"I don't want to talk about it." He snapped. "Let's go."

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