4~ Horace Slughorn

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I"Tell me the Hogsmeade dates as soon as you know." Lee said softly, brushing Grace's hair out of her face. 

"I will, I promise." She said with a smile. "As soon as they're posted."

The train whistle went off and Lee smiled a bit.

"I'll see you soon, okay? Write if you need anything, I love you."

"I love you too."

They kissed one last time and Grace got on the train.

She made her way through the hundreds of students with ease, quickly finding the car she was meeting Neville in, surprisingly, he was already there.

"Hey Neville!" She said with a smile, hugging him when he stood up.

"Hey, where's Lee?"

"He dropped out." Grace explained, letting Kayda out of his cage. "With the war and everything… he joined the order."

"He did?"

Grace nodded, then laughed as Kayda attached himself to Neville. The little dragon had obviously missed him in the long 48 hours that they had been apart. 

Neville glanced around, Lola was in Grace's lap.

"Did Pixie…?"

"No, I let her go… it's mating time and she's finally old enough, so she was absolutely miserable."

"Oh." His glum look disappeared as Luna walked in and he knocked over his trunk in excitement. "Hi Luna!"

Luna smiled softly and patted him on the back.

"Hello Neville, Grace." She sat down and pulled out her magazine and put on her glasses. 

Neville watched her intently with a happy face. Grace giggled and elbowed him gently, raising her eyebrows. 

"Stop!" He protested in a whisper. 

"You have a crush!" Grace whispered back in a singing voice, knowing Luna was gone from the world at that moment. "Neville and Luna sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s- --"

Neville slapped a hand over her mouth, his face bright red.


Grace put her hands up in surrender and laughed again. 

"Sorry, but you should ask her to the dance this year."

"I can't do that. I'm sure there are other boys she'd rather go with."

"Lies!" Grace hissed, pulling out her book and leaning back on the bench seat. 

Neville just sighed and laid his head on her shoulder.

Harry joined them after a few minutes and they all started talking.

There was a break in the conversation as Neville had to dive under the seat after Trevor, Grace got on the floor to go to help but stopped and looked over when the door slid open.

A sixth year girl with long black hair was standing there with four friends, all of whom were giggling and whispering to each other. 

Grace looked up and offered a smile. 

The girl rolled her eyes and looked past her at Harry. 

"Hello Harry, I'm Romilda, Romilda Vane. would you like to join us? You don't have to be sitting with… them." She gave a disgusted look to Grace, Neville and Luna.

Grace blushed a deep scarlet and pulled her hair in front of her face. 

"They're friends of mine, thanks." Harry said coldly. "Actually, Grace here is my cousin. On my mum's side."

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