11~ Heavy Blows

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"Harry, there's no way we're taking this and you're not!" Grace hissed angrily. "Take the stupid luck potion!"

"I can't! But make sure Ginny gets some. Alright? Something is going to happen. I know it."

He ran off, leaving the vial in her hand.

May was there and school was almost over, in other words, it was time for Voldemort to cause a problem. 

Lee and Grace had gotten their own flat and she spent most weekends with him, but this weekend he was on a mission and therefore Harry had found her first, briefly explaining that he was going on a mission with Dumbledore and not to worry, but she and the others should probably take liquid luck.

Grace took a bit of it, and then gave the rest to Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Neville. Neville ran the last of it to Luna and then they all waited, tense with anticipation of what might happen. 

"Malfoy has been in the room of requirement for way too long." Grace said softly. She had been staring at the map since Harry left, nearly three hours. 

"Don't stress about it." Neville said quietly, putting a hand on hers. "And stop worrying about Lee. I'm sure he's okay."

"I hope so, he was just so secretive."

"I mean, it is an order mission." Hermione pointed out. "He probably wasn't allowed to tell you."

"He usually does anyway." Grace admitted. 

"Gracie, I'm sure he'll be okay. We all will." Ginny said, hugging her.

Grace hugged her baby sister back, wishing she could say something to comfort her, but knowing Ginny wouldn't take it. Grace knew that she was probably worried about Harry since they were dating after all.

Grace suddenly gasped in horror, jerking away from Ginny and staring at the map where new names had appeared. 

Bellatrix Lastrange
Lucius Malfoy 
Draco Malfoy 
Fenrir Greyback
Peter Pettigrew 

Those were only a few as a dozen others poured out of the room and Grace jumped up and looked around the room.

"It's up to us."

Grace gathered the Gryffindor first, second and third years and brought them all up into the secret room off the boy's dorm.

"Stay here until one of us gets back, stay quiet and I promise they won't find you, okay?"

They all nodded and Grace shut the door before running back down.

"Let's go."

Luckily for the teens, the order of the Phoenix soon showed up, and the liquid luck seemed to be working perfectly. 

In a moment, her fragile grip on the world shattered. 

She was running through the courtyard when Greyback jumped out in front of her and let out a howl.

The man hardly looked human, unlike Remus who kept himself looking nice. His fingernails were sharp as knives and overgrown, so was his hair.

Her mind was already working, formulating a plan to escape. They were so close to the bridge and cliff, if she could stun and throw him hard enough to knock him off the ledge-


"Bill, no!" Grace screamed. 

It all happened in what seemed like a second. 

Bill tackled Greyback, and the wolf attacked right back. Biting and clawing at any piece of skin he could reach.

Grace could see just enough in the torch light to see the blood on Bill's arms and face, she let out another scream and something inside her took over.

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