5~ Emotional days

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November came quickly, and with it, the first Quidditch match.

It was supposed to be against Slytherin, but Malfoy threw a fit because of his arm and Snape managed to get Hufflpuff in, Oliver was panicking because of the new seeker, Cedric Diggory, who was evidently very good.

Grace had somewhat recovered from the bogart, but she was struggling. She was having nightmares even with the twins and Kayda, and kept having to get up and check on people.

Oliver was ready to shove a sleep potion down her throat, and they finally decided to try it.

So the night before the match, Fred went and picked up a potion for Grace from the hospital wing, and brought it back to their dorm.

She drank it without complaint, and she immediately started feeling drowsy and got into bed with the boys, she fell asleep quickly, but Fred and George stayed up to talk a little.

"Mate, I've been trying to find out what's wrong with you for months, it's not a girl, and I'm pretty sure it's not a guy."

"And I've told you that I don't know. I'm just depressed, all the time." He looked down. "I don't know how much longer I can do this."


Grace screamed, causing Fred to jerk back and fall out of bed in surprise before scrambling back in bed to help wake her.

"Gigi, wake up! It's just a dream!" George said.

Her scream had woken Lee, and he jumped up.

"I thought she took the potion?"

"She did! I don't know..." Fred's voice trailed off.

Grace had woken up and was shaking uncontrollably, it seemed like a side effect of the medicine. She started crying.

"I- I c..can't. I hate... this... I can't do it anymore! All the memories and the flashbacks..." She continued shaking and couldn't seem to stop.

"Grace, No!" Fred exclaimed, hugging her and George at the same time. "You're just tired, it'll be okay. I can't... I don't want to lose either of you, I- I can't."

He started to cry, Lee got into the bed with them and hugged the three of them.

"It's okay." He whispered. "It's going to be okay."

. . .

Needless to say, all four kids were not well rested the next morning, and Oliver was furious.

"What do you mean it didn't work?!"

"It just didn't, Oliver." Lee said tiredly. "Please drop it mate."

Oliver took the hint and shut his mouth as they went into the changing rooms, got dressed, and went over the plan.

It was raining, but not too badly. Grace was exhausted, but determined to win the match. Her and Harry kicked off at the same moment and started looking for the snitch.

The rain got harder but they kept playing, Hermione casted a reflecting charm on Harry's glasses so he could see.

Cedric Diggory saw it first and he and his partner went after it, Harry and Grace on their heels.

People started to scream and Grace saw the dementors and held onto her broom tightly. Her mother's screams echoed in her ears.

A split second decision and she stopped trying.

She was tired of trying.

Tired of smiling every day.

Tired of being tired.

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