10~ Sirius

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Sirius opened his arms and she ran into them, hugging him tightly. Harry let out a cry of anger but she ignored him.

"You need a bath." Grace giggled after a moment, pulling away and wiping her eyes.

He didn't get a chance to respond because Harry exploded.

"Grace! He killed my parents! What do you think you're doing?!"

Grace turned to look at him.

"He didn't!"

"Then why did he kill Pettigrew?"

"He was framed!"

"You've been brainwashed!"

"No I haven't!"

Remus came in at that moment, and Harry looked relieved.

"Finally! Professor! Sirius Black is behind you!"

Remus pointed his wand at Sirius, disarming him and knocking him to the floor.

"Remus! No!" Grace shouted, starting to go to Sirius.

But Crookshanks beat her to it, he sat on Sirius' chest, and looked up at them.

"Remus, it's the rat, I'm telling you." Sirius said quickly. "He faked it.. it's his fault James and Lily are dead!"

"You turned them in!" Harry yelled. "And Professor Lupin knows it! Right?" He took a step towards him and Hermione shrieked.

"Harry don't! He's a werewolf!"

"What does that have to do with anything?" Grace said angrily. "That doesn't mean he's bad!"

"You knew? We said no more secrets!"

"It wasn't mine to tell!"

"Everyone stop!" Remus shouted. "I am a werewolf Hermione, and I wouldn't blame you if you reported me. But for now, hand us the rat."

"Why?" Ron said, upset. "He's my pet! He's been in our family for years!"

"Twelve years. To be exact." Sirius said, half calm, half angry.

"Ron, please. Give Scabbers here." Grace said. "We can trust them."

Ron looked at her like she was mental.

"Alright, how about we give you your wands." Remus suggested quietly. "Then you hand us the rat. And if we're wrong, he'll be unharmed. I promise."

Ron slowly nodded and Grace handed wands to their rightful owners, and then took the rat, handing him to Remus.

Remus prepared to set him down and looked at Sirius.

"Together, I think."

There were two flashes of light and a rat like man was left there. Grace gasped, realizing he was an animagus.

The pieces all clicked.

Twelve years ago Peter must have been the spy.

It was Peter's fault.

The man started begging for mercy, and eventually threw himself at Grace's feet.

"Please, don't let them..."

Grace backed into Sirius.


Sirius put a hand on her shoulder and pointed his wand at Pettigrew, preparing to end him.

"Wait!" Harry shouted, jumping up. "We need him for evidence! And I don't think my dad would want his two best friends to become murderers."

Sirius and Remus stared at him before slowly nodding.

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