10~ Tom Riddle

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Christmas again.

Last year, Christmas had been full of fun and laughter, this year, it was shadowed by the threat of Hogwarts closing for good.

. . .

"You three, with me." Mcgonagall said sternly to Grace, Harry and Ron, then quickly walked off towards the hospital wing.

The kids exchanged a glance before running after her.

"Mind you, this will come as a shock." Minnie warned, opening the door and letting them in. Grace let out a gasp and ran to the bed, Ron was right behind her, he put a hand on her shoulder, not realizing his tight squeezing.

Hermione was laying there, petrified.

. . .

Grace tore through her dorm for the hundredth time since Christmas, looking for anything Hermione might've figured out. Ron and Harry said she had figured something, but ran off to the library before explaining herself.

There was nothing. Nothing at all, except...

Grace forgot where she was and tried to jump up, but instead, slammed her head on the bottom of the bed. Tears automatically filled her eyes from the pain as she wiggled out, and her stars filled her vision. She stumbled down the stairs, and found the two boys in the common room.

"Bloody hell! Are you alright?" Ron asked, jumping up.

"Yes, we need to ask Myrtle..." she looked at Harry. "Remember what you saw in the diary?"

"We- of course! How she died! Grace, you're a genius!" Harry said.

"Only sometimes. Hurry!"

They ran for Myrtle's bathroom.

"Myrtle!" Grace shouted. "I need to ask you something."

"What would that be?" Myrtle asked from behind her.

Grace spun around.

"How did you die?"

She looked surprised.

"Oh it was terrible. No one has ever asked me before... someone had been teasing me about my new glasses, and I ran in here to cry... then the door opened and I heard a boy talking funny-"

Grace exchanged a look with Harry before looking at Myrtle again.

"-Well, I told him he shouldn't be in here, because it was the girls room, I walked out and saw these yellow eyes, and then... I died."

"Yellow eyes..." Grace muttered absent-mindedly . "Thanks Myrtle..." the three walked out and started talking.

"It's got to be the same thing." Harry was saying, Grace froze, a scent stopping her.

"Guys, wait-!" She started, but it was too late, they walked into professor Mcgonngal.

"What are you three doing?" She demanded.

"I- uh." Grace looked at Harry in a panic.

"We're visiting Hermione." He blurted out. "Letting her know that the mandrakes are almost ready, and er, not to worry..."

Grace expected her to tell them to turn right around, but instead her eyes looked misty.

"I forget how hard it must be on friends... I'll tell the other teachers to leave you alone coming back."

Grace could hardly believe they got away with it as they hurried off towards the hospital wing.

"Brilliant, Harry!" Ron exclaimed.

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