10~ Birthday Twists

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"Grace!" Hermione shouted, jumping on the other girl's bed in excitement. 

"Wake up! It's one in the afternoon! You're wasting our Saturday!"

"Hermione! I'm tired…" Grace groaned in protest but opened her eyes and sat up, shaking away the memories of her nightmare. "What do you want?"

"Happy birthday!" Hermione squealed, hugging her. "You're 17!"

Grace suddenly laughed and hugged her back.


"Any special plans?" Hermione asked, raising her eyebrows. "With, oh I don't know, your fiance?"

Grace smiled and nodded. 

"As a matter of fact, he's coming for dinner. We're going to meet in the astronomy tower and look at the stars."

Hermione sighed. 

"That's so romantic."

"I have a romantic man." 

"So do I." A voice said from across the room.

Grace and Hermione shared an exasperated look and Grace turned to Lavender. 

"My brother is anything except romantic. And we agreed we weren't going to talk about him since the… issues between him and Hermione."

"But I want to talk about him!" She pouted. 

"Too bad, the answer is no." Grace said firmly. "I'm going to mirror Fred and George with Neville, I’ll see you later Hermione.”

“See you Grace, I think Neville is in his room.”


Grace left her dorm and went up to the boy's and knocked on Neville's door.

"Come in!"

Grace looked in with a smile but then frowned when she saw him buried under the blankets.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, just feel kinda sick. Happy Birthday!” He started coughing and Grace waited for him to finish before speaking.

“Thanks, you okay?” 


Grace hesitated and then got in the bed with him, he pulled the covers over their heads.

“Remember when we used to do this at night and study?” Neville whispered.

“Yeah, in our closet.” 

“I kinda miss that.” 

“Me too, but you really don’t need the study help anymore.”

“I guess.”

They laid in silence for several minutes.

“You’re going to get sick.”

“I’ll be fine.” she got up and said quietly. “I need to test something.”

“What?” Neville asked, sitting up. 

“Kreacher?” Grace said quietly. 

Neville’s eyes widened as the house elf appeared and Grace closed her eyes.

“Can you make Neville some chicken soup please? No poison, just something to help him feel better.” her voice was shaky but soft.

Kreacher bowed and left, Grace started crying, Neville wasn’t really sure what was wrong but he pulled her into his arms, she held onto him tightly.

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