8~ Christmas Already

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Christmas had arrived and the Weasleys, including Harry, had traveled home for the holiday. 

The snow was thick on Christmas eve and Molly looked worried. 

"Grace, I'm not sure walking is the best idea. Are you sure one of the boys can't aparate you?"

"Mum, you know if one of them take me they won't leave. It's not a long walk and if it gets too cold I can call the night bus." She hugged her.

"Oh… well alright." Molly gave in, hugging her back. "But at least let one of the boys pick you up? 11?"

Grace sighed. 

"Fine." She kissed Molly's cheek and started to leave. 

"And put on a coat and hat!"

Grace held back a laugh and went to the hall closet and pulled out her coat and a hat with ear flaps. She put them on and then left the house and walked down to the road.

The snow kept falling during the whole 20 minute walk, and it was absolutely beautiful. The trees looked like something out of a fairytale. 

When she reached the driveway it was getting dark despite only being 6:30 and she quickened her pace, clutching her wand tightly. She let out a relived breath when she saw the house. 

It was a small white house with a nice porch, from where she stood, I looked like something out of a Christmas card. Through the window, she could see a fire, a decorated Christmas tree. Mr. And Mrs. Jordan were sitting together on the love seat and Lee was in the arm chair.

Grace smiled as all three of them started laughing and waved a bit when Lee glanced out the window. 

He grinned and after a few minutes came outside and ran over, hugging and kissing her. 

Grace put her arms around his neck and smiled when they pulled away. 

"I missed you." She whispered. 

"I think I missed you more." He kissed her again. "Ready to meet my parents?"


Lee lead her inside and Mrs. Jordan stood up and hugged her as soon as they walked in, when she pulled away she took Grace's hands. 

"Grace! It's good to finally meet you." Her smile was joyful and  welcoming 

"It's good to meet you as well, Mrs. Jordan."

"Please, it's Jahzara, I go by Jaz. This is my husband Joseph."

Grace smiled at him shyly and he nodded. 

"We've heard a lot about you, miss." He said solemnly. 

"A...all good things, I hope." Grace said, stuttering a bit. She was pretty sure Mr. Jordan was taller than the twins, and they were both over six feet. 

Grace took a small step back and Lee put a hand on her shoulder.

"Dinner ready mum?"

After dinner they all sat in the living room talking and getting to know each other. Evidently both of Lee's parents were only children, and while they had both wanted a lot of kids, Lee was the only one they had been blessed with.

"But, we found he's all we ever needed or wanted." Jaz said with a smile. 

Joseph ruffled Lee's hair.

"Not too good at basketball, but I'll accept it." He said with a laugh. He saw Grace's confused look and gasped. "You haven't heard of basketball?"

"No sir…"

"I suppose you wouldn't… I'm a muggleborn." He launched into a description of the game.

At 10:30, Lee dragged her out into the snow despite the dark and cold, they went to a large tree that had a huge low hanging branch, Lee dusted off the snow and got up on it before pulling Grace up. She leaned against him and he put an arm around her. 

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Grace asked, looking around. 

The moon was full, causing the snow to sparkle. 

"Yeah, you are." Lee said softly. 

Grace blushed and looked at him.

"I was talking about the snow."

"And I was talking about you."



His tone was serious and Grace's smile faded. 

"What's wrong?"

He got off the branch and pulled her down before leading her over to the porch.

"I want to talk to you about something." 


He didn't answer and Grace started worrying.


"I can't do this anymore." He said finally.

"What do you mean?"

"Us, I can't continue the way we are. I can't, I'm done."

"Are we breaking up?" Grace whispered, gripping the porch rail for support. 

"I… yes. We are."

Grace stumbled back, feeling like she had just been punched in the gut.

"I don't want you to be my girlfriend anymore."

She couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t believe was she was hearing. She barely registered Lee getting on one knee and pulling out a small velvet box, but she did hear Lee's voice. 

"I want you to be my wife.

Grace started to cry as he opened the box and she saw the ring, it had a green stone with two diamonds on either side. 

"Lee… you're a jerk, I hate you."

"And yet you love me too much to let me go. I'm sorry, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to be dramatic. But… Grace, my love, and the light of my life, will you marry me?"

Grace knelt down and hugged him, crying and smiling. 

"Yes! Yes I will."

Lee kissed her.

"I love you."

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