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Hi! Don't kill me 😁

Lee caught her before she hit the ground, and judging by the look on his face, the adrenaline was fighting off the pain she should be feeling.

“Who did this?”

“L-Lee… you…”

He seemed to forget the question and hugged her tighter than Grace thought was possible, but stopped when Grace whimpered in pain.

“Shh, shh… I’m going to fix it… hold on. Great merlin… did someone use a forbidden curse on you?”

Grace barely nodded, leaning her head against his chest.

She looked around enough to confirm that they were at Shell Cottage. She heard Hermione and Ron talking and the grass waving in the wind, along with several bugs and-

And obviously all her senses were going into overdrive, because she could currently hear a butterfly flapping its wings and smell a bird somewhere.

Lee starting to talk again grounded her and made her extremely aware of the dagger in her shin.

“Gracie… I have to pull it out.” He whispered, following her gaze to it. “But it'll only hurt for a second, okay? I’m practically a registered healer at this point, I know the spells that’ll help.”

Grace just nodded, she could barely feel it anyway. How bad could it be?

Evidently pretty bad, because as soon as the knife came out of her stomach, every other pain she had acquired over the day hit her like a train and she yelped and nearly passed out.

Lee hastily casted something and the pain dulled to a throbbing sensation and the wound sealed itself. Then held her close again.

The pain in her stomach  slowly faded, she looked up at Lee and he softly kissed her forehead.

“You did great.”

Grace pulled him down so she could kiss him properly.

He pulled away after a second.

“I love you so much. I’m assuming you got my message? You put your necklace back on.”

She nodded.

“I’m so sorry I took it off… I was so scared to find out something happened that way and I just… it was a bad choice.”

 Before he could respond, they heard Bill shouting a bit away.

“Gia? Lee, is she okay?!” 

“Bill?” Grace whispered. 

“I’m here. It’s all okay, you’re safe now.” Bill came into her sight and touched her face gently before sucking in a breath. “Healing bath. Now.”

Lee nodded and before long, still fully clothed, Grace was in a huge tub with about six million different potions in it to get her to stop bleeding, which she hadn’t even noticed.

Luckily for her, they also speed the healing process a bit and she was able to slowly pull off her shirt and pants to fully submerge. Fluer brought her a bikini to wear so Bill could come to examine her back.

“This… is almost worse than when you first moved in with us.” He said softly. “Did David do this?”

Grace just nodded, looking exhausted.

“Can I get out now? I really just want to try and sleep.”

Bill sighed and kissed her forehead.

“Yeah, I guess you're as good as you’re going to get. I’ll send Lee in and he can help you get dressed and take you to his room. He’s hiding out here for a bit.”

. . .

After nearly four hours of catching up with Lee, Grace fell asleep and didn’t wake up for nearly a day and a half. But when she did, Lee was still there with his arms around her protectively.

She shifted and turned around to face him. He was awake and she immediately noticed dark circles under his eyes.

"Lee… have you slept at all?" She asked softly. 

"A bit. You had a lot of nightmares. I don't think you remember them."

She shook her head, feeling guilty.

"I'm sorry I kept you up. You could've gone downstairs." 

"No. I couldn't have." He pulled her closer to him and rested his chin on her head. "And I never will."

Lee carried her down for breakfast despite her protests that she could walk, and she was shocked to find Remus down there talking with the biggest smile she had ever seen on his face. Lee set her down, looking just as confused and Grace finally spoke up.


He turned to her, beaming.

“Gracie! Thank merlin.” He hugged her. “Are you okay?”

“I- I’m fine now, what's going on? You look so happy.”

“This…” He pulled away and held out a picture of a newborn baby with bright blue hair and Grace felt excitement enter her and she gasped.

“Remus! Oh he’s precious! What’s his name?”

“Teddy, after Dora’s dad. I already asked Harry, but will you be his Godmother?”

“Really? Me?” She looked back at Lee who was smiling and nodded slightly. “I mean, of course! But you’re not planning on going anywhere, right?”

“Right, I just… Dora and I thought you and Harry were the ones.”

Grace hugged him again and nodded.

“I would love to be his Godmother.”

Bill made Grace stay in bed for most of the next three days, and Lee stayed with her. They talked and played a few muggle games since Lee refused to play chess with her. 

-"You always win and roast me the whole time!" 

"Well if you weren't such a bad player I wouldn't have anything to insult!"-

The small arguments usually ended in giggles, kisses and tickle fights. And Lee whispering about how much he had missed her.

And so, one thing led to another and a month and a half later, after they had left shell cottage and as they were leaving for the Gringotts break in, her and Hermione were staring down at a positive pregnancy test.

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