2~ The Sorting

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Grace couldn't believe it, but she was pretty sure she had just witnessed the best reject of the century. Mcgonagall had ignored Malfoy's complaints about the pranks and dried him off with a wave of her wand. He then walked up to Harry, proclaimed himself a racist, insulted her and her family at least three times, and then had the nerve to ask if Harry wanted to be friends. Harry of course, had more sense than that and had rejected him. Now Minnie (which Grace was totally calling the professor. She needed to come up with a name sign.) Was ushering them into the great hall.

Grace had read about the great hall but it still made her gasp. It looked so real. A girl named Hermione was going on about the magic they used to make the seasons. Grace thought they would probably get along, even though she sounded bossy.



Grace grinned at the nicknames and waved at the twins. A wave of nervousness swept over her. What if she was separated from her brothers? The plan for the secret passageway might not work. George must of seen the look on her face because he signed to her;

"It'll all be fine. I promise nothing will change between us. Even if you're put in slytherin."

Grace took a breath and nodded at him. He smiled at her and gestured up front where professor Minnie was talking.

"When I call your name, you will come to the stool and put this hat on your head. You will then join your house table."

The list was long. Her ears perked up at "Granger, Hermione."

"Gryffindor!" The hat shouted. And Hermione scrambled to the table on the far right. Neville Longbottom also got Gryffindor.

"Potter, Harry."

The whole room was suddenly whispering excitedly,

"Harry Potter?"

"That Harry?"

"My mum said he'd be in our year."

The hat seemed to be taking forever. Grace was hit by a wave of nervousness again. How long would hers take? What if she got kicked out?

"Gryffindor!" The room exploded. The Gryffindor's were losing it.

And then Ron was in there too. And;

"Gansta Weasley, Grace."

The room went dead silent. There wasn't even a whisper. Grace started shaking. She had no idea so many people knew. She felt a million eyes on the back of her neck as she climbed the steps to the stool. She was shaking harder now. Fred caught her eye, he looked worried. Grace just shook her head hoping that would ease him. Ron was looking at her too but Harry said something and he looked away. The hat was over her eyes. A voice was whispering in her ear.

"Ah, the Gangsta girl. I've been waiting for you... your father was in Ravenclaw. And your mother in Hufflepuff, am I right? No, don't answer that. I can see."

"But what am I in?"

"Don't rush me girl, but I see your past-" Grace squirmed. She was feeling a little dizzy.- "you're a brave child... but I see much loyalty.. Eager to learn... You want to be with your brothers.. Better be, Gryffindor!"

At first the clapping was slow but then it started getting louder. She heard her brothers yelling so she stood up and pulled the hat off. Fred was there to catch her when she stumbled off the stage. Her eyes were burning and she realized her cheeks were wet.

"Fred" she signed, "it's loud. Everyone is staring..." Her knees buckled. He scooped her up and cradled her against him, then took her out of the great hall.

Fred settled them on one of the benches and held her while she cried silently. George banged out of the hall into the corridor, followed closely by Lee, and looked around frantically for his twin. When he spotted them he ran over. Lee stayed back, giving them some space.

"What happened?!"

Fred shrugged. "I think it was too much, too fast." He responded. He cracked a smile. "Good thing she's tiny huh? Carrying her would be harder.." His voice trailed off and he and George exchanged a worried looked over her head. Grace detached herself from her brother and wiped her face.

"I'm sorry, I'm fine." George pulled her into his lap.

"Not your fault. Do you think you want to go to the common room? You don't have to go back in."

"I'm kind of hungry." Fred remarked. As if waiting for those words, Grace's stomach let a growl out, she made a 'me too' face but then wrinkled her nose when she looked towards the great hall. George looked at Fred for a minute and then his eyes lit up.

"The kitchens!" They exclaimed together. Grace made a confused look.

"You can go in the kitchens? Why haven't you told me about it?"

George shrugged. "Maybe it never came up?" Fred suggested.

"We don't spend all our time there! Well most days." George joked. "Let's go head that way and.." At that moment the doors slammed open again and Professor Minnie Mcgonngal came out into the corridor and the twins and Grace scrambled up from the bench.

"Mr. Weasleys! What do you think you are doing?"

Grace felt her eyes widen, this woman was never to be crossed or the results could be disastrous. She found herself slowly inching behind her brothers but George squeezed her hand and pulled her in front.

"Hello professor, this is our sister Grace as I'm sure you know. Gracie, say hi to professor Mcgonngal."

"Hello Minnie." The sign she had picked was a stroke of three fingers on her cheek and a shaking M, where she put her palm open, made a three and then folded her three fingers over her thumb. One of the Professor's eyebrows went up, and she turned her attention back to the boys.

"She's still not speaking?" It wasn't really a question. George and Fred tensed,

"She's not dumb or anything," Fred stated with an edge in his voice.

"Don't be too defensive." Grace signed into his hand and he relaxed a little, George on the other hand, didn't, but whatever he was going to say was cut of by Minnie speaking again;

"I never said that, Mr. Weasley. It will be.. An adjustment. But one the teachers will be prepared for." She lowered her gaze and Grace made herself meet it. Minnie gave her a tight lipped smile and then inquired if the three of them wanted to have dinner in the common room.

"I think that'd be perfect! Thank you Minnie!"

Professor Mcgonngal turned to the twins, "Has she given me a name sign already?" She inquired. George nodded, then took Grace's hand.

"Ready for your first Hogwarts meal?" She nodded,

"Let's brave the stairs!" Fred and George both laughed. Lee walked over grinning.

"Am I invited?"

"Course you are Lee!" George said laughing. As they walked away he leaned over and whispered, "Maybe we should plant a few harmless things in Percy's bedroom.."

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