9~ Troll in The Dungeon!

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"So, that room is where you guys are working on the products for your guys' shop?"

"Basically." The twins answered.

"We've came up with lots of things, pranks-"

"-Things to get people out of class,-"

-"Potions for almost anything-"

-"starange gadgets-"

"-and trinkets-"

"-It's quite genius if we do say so ourselves." Fred finished

Grace, noticing the hint of anxiety in their voices from them doing their 'twin thing' reached out and touched George's arm to help center the two of them again.

"I think it's amazing." She grinned. "I can't wait till you get your shop open."

. . .

A few mornings later, it was Halloween. A month had passed and Grace could finally take the disgusting leaf out of her mouth.

Remus hadn't answered any letters in a few weeks, normal, but still nerve wracking. Especially considering what had happened on this day about ten years ago.

At breakfast that morning,  Several owls had flown in the window carrying two long packages. They dropped one of them next to Grace, and the other next to Harry. Grace immediately signed to Fred and George, saying that her broom was here and they followed her out, they went into an empty classroom and unwrapped it. Grace let out a gasp and dropped it with a clatter onto the desk.

A Nimbus 2000 sat on the surface.

It had a sleek mahogany body, with Nimbus 2000 written in gold on the side. The bristles were straight, not one sticking out the wrong way.

"There's no way I can accept this." Grace said after several seconds of silence. "It's not fair to you guys, we can't afford it."

Fred and George exchanged a look.

"How about while we're here, it's yours-" Fred started.

"-And when we're at home, we'll all share it."

"It's important that you and Harry have the same broom, okay?" George explained. "Fred and I will be fine with dealing with jealousy. It's Ron you'll have to worry about."

. . .

That afternoon, their last class was charms, they learned the levitation spell. Ron was having a lot more trouble than he usually did with the spells, and Hermione was (unsuccessfully) trying to show him how to do it.

"It's WinGARdium LeviosA not leviosAR, make the Gar nice and long. Like this,

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Hermione's feather floated up in the air, followed by Grace's. Professor Flitwick got very excited and almost toppled off the stack of books he was standing on.

"Look everyone! Miss. Granger and Miss. Weasley have done it! Five points each to Gryffindor!"

Needless to say, Ron was not in a good mood after class.

"She's a nightmare,  honestly! She's constantly bossing everyone,  it's no wonder she hasn't got any friends. " 

"Ron!" Grace scolded. She was about to say more when a crying Hermione ran past them, and down a different hallway, making Grace too mad to put her words in her hands. 

"I think she heard you." Harry stated. 

"She must've noticed she's got no friends." Ron muttered, but he looked ashamed of himself when Grace smacked him on the back of the head, and didn't talk to him at all over the Halloween feast. 

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