7~ Someone Gets a Well Earned Punch

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"Remus!" Grace shouted across the great hall, Saturday morning, running to hug him, he laughed and swung her around.

"How long are you here?"

"Till tonight, I'm just cleared for the day."

"I'm glad you're here."

"So am I. Have you eaten breakfast?"

"No, she hasn't." George answered, coming up to hug him.

"She hasn't eaten since lunch yesterday, and even then, it still wasn't much." Fred added.

"We're about to shove it down her throat. All she has for breakfast is a cup of milk!" Lee grumbled.

"And her arm."

"And it's obvious that she's not sleeping."

"Guys! I'm right here."

"It's not like you would tell him!" The twins said together.

"Okay, okay, let's calm down." Remus interrupted. "Grace, you have to have something to eat, the boys are right."

"But I'm fine, I'm just not hungry."

"And sleep. You definitely need sleep."

Grace just shrugged, unsure what to say. She couldn't argue there since she looked beyond exhausted.

They all went to the Gryffindor table, and Grace managed a biscuit and some sausage. But even that took nearly an hour.

"The first Quidditch match is today!" She told Remus happily. "You'll get to see it!"

"That's part of the reason I came today, Fred and George tell me that you and Harry are quite good."

"Weasleys! Jordan!" Oliver Wood shouted. What are you doing? The game starts in half an hour!"

"Alright Oliver, keep your knickers on." Fred called back. "We're on the way now! See you after Remus." And the four of them hurried to catch up.

When they had gotten in their robes, they had a pow wow, Oliver immediately started talking.

"The slytherins have better brooms, no point denying it, but we have better people, we've been training like crazy, in all weather, and we're going to make them regret letting Malfoy on their team.
Harry, Grace, fly hard, fly fast. We need you to catch the snitch early, or die trying, understand? Good. Good luck guys."

"No pressure." Grace muttered to Harry, making him laugh nervously.

"3.. 2...1!" Madame Hooch shouted, and they were off, Grace and Harry shot straight up, looking for the snitch. Malfoy showed off in front of them, but Grace ignored him.

"Harry, duck!" She shouted when a bludger headed straight towards him, he did at the last second. George came after it, waving his bat.

"That was close! Be careful!" He hit it towards Malfoy, but it didn't go far, instead it came back around like a boomerang and headed towards Harry again. George barely caught it, Grace had no idea what was going on, bludgers never stayed after one person.

"Harry, go! Across the field! Where Fred is!" She shouted, following close behind.

"Gotcha!" Fred shouted, giving it a good smack. But the bludger didn't quit, it came right back at Harry. George joined him and they flew on either side of Harry, keeping it from killing him.

"Someone's- tampered- with- this- thing!" Fred yelled between hits.

"We need a time out!" George shouted.

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