7~ Kidnapped

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Grace didn't fight, he took her wand and started leading her down a hallway towards the dungeons, then down another hallway, and another.

Then he shoved her into a hidden room, following after making sure nobody had followed.

In the room, was a bed and a small table. As soon as he walked away, Grace grasped for her necklace, her heart sank when she realized it was still on Remus' bedside table.

Flint looked her up and down, smiling sickly. It made Grace want to throw up.

"Get some sleep, you'll need it for when I get back to you tomorrow night. You're in for the experience of a lifetime."

He left, casting several charms on the door, concealing it and blocking all sound.

Grace sank to the floor, and hugged her knees to her chest. Knowing what 'experience of a lifetime' meant.

Rape. It meant rape.

And Grace had had enough of that to last her two lifetimes. Probably three.

Except now, there were other factors. Now, she could get pregnant.

Before she had been a child. A literal child and there wasn't that chance.

Now there was.

She had to get out of there, she needed to get out.

And George.

George was possibly dying, maybe already dead.

Not George.

Grace started to cry, wanting her brothers, wanting out of there.

Wanting this nightmare to end.

She had 24hours.

. . .

Fred was pacing.

Up one hallway.

Down another.

People gave him pitying looks and he hated it. He didn't want to be pitied.

He wanted to wake up.

Fred had cried, he had screamed. He had been tempted to jump into the black lake himself.

George was on life support and unconscious, he couldn't breathe on his own. He had woken up long enough to throw up what seemed like gallons of water, but he passed out again before doing anything other then muttering how sorry he was.

The life support was technology that muggles had, it was strange and complicated, but if it was keeping his twin alive, then it was worth learning about.

When George had suggested giving the Marauders Map to Harry, Fred didn't think it was a sign. He didn't catch any of the signs.

The dark jokes.

The giving things away.

Him saying I love you at the most random times.

Fred couldn't remember if he had responded when George had told him earlier. George had excused himself at lunch and Fred assumed he'd see him in charms.

He'd kissed Grace's forehead, Grace had looked worried and asked if he was okay.

He said he was fine.

Grace and Ron were at Hogsmeade now, but they'd be here anytime.

He thought.

Ron got there thinking Grace had been with them, when she obviously wasn't, and several Gryffindors had reported her running out of the tower and then disappearing.

"We need to find her!"

"She's probably trying to process the idea-"

"No, dad, she would try to find us. She'd hear and be worried!"

"And shocked. You have to think about that."

"Well then what if she's having an anxiety attack somewhere? Or an asthma attack?"


"I need to go back to school! I need to find her!"

Bill spoke up.

"Dad, I'll take him. We can't do anything until there's news and he's going to go crazy here."

Bill hugged Molly and he and Fred left for the fireplace. Flooing into Mcgonngal's office.

Mcgonngal looked up and offered a small smile.

"How is he?"

Bill shook his head.

"No change."

"Hold onto hope. We haven't found Grace, but all the prefects are searching, as well as a few teachers and students."

"Thank you Professor." Fred said quietly. "I'm going to go look."

He left, heading towards Gryffindor tower. He needed the map. That was the only way, but first he had to find Harry. Knowing the kid, he was probably worried, but not thinking about the map in the slightest.

Fred walked into the common room, Angelina was waiting for him and came over.

"Hey," she said softly. "How are you holding up?"

Fred shrugged and tried to smile.

"As well as I can I guess... I just.. why? He never told me what was wrong and I didn't think he'd..." he rubbed his eyes.

Angelina hugged him, holding back tears.

"It's going to be okay."

After several minutes, Fred pulled away and wiped his face.

"Thanks. I need to find Harry and Hermione, we can't find Grace. Do you know where they are?"

"I think they were searching the library first. That was only a little bit ago, they're probably still there. Lee and Neville were with them."

"Thanks." He hesitated. "Come with me?"

She nodded quickly. "Of course."

They left and went straight for the library, Fred had been right. Harry had completely forgotten about the map, and Lee hadn't been able to find it, not knowing they had given it to Harry.

"I'm an idiot!" Harry said again as they spread it out on the floor and combed through each room of the castle, looking for her name.

"You were just worried." Fred told him without looking up. "I am too. I can't... I just hope George is still okay."

Angelina kissed his forehead.

"You'd know." She said simply, and Fred nodded.

"I can't find her!" Hermione wailed after awhile. "We've searched everywhere. She's not on here!"

"We're not done yet." Lee said, his voice strained. "We haven't searched the lower levels and the dungeons."

Fred tapped the map and it changed to a whole new map of the huge six lower levels of Hogwarts.

Neville took a deep breath, Grace was his best friend. Maybe his only friend.

"Get looking." He said quietly.

. . .

The door slammed open and Grace looked up, her face was red from crying, but void of emotion.

"Your brother is dead." Flint said with a cruel smile. "Too bad you'll be missing the funeral."

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