9~ Fire

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By New years eve the snow was gone, but Grace's smile wasn't. Everyone was over at the burrow for the celebration of new years, and Grace and Lee's engagement.

Sirius had fallen asleep in the twin's room but they had been instructed to wake him up before midnight struck. 

When Timothy walked in at a quarter to 11, Grace froze and stared, she hadn't seen him since their argument over the summer. He saw her and walked over.

"Hey Gracie… congratulations to you and Lee."


They stood in awkward silence for a moment. 


There was a scream from Ginny and Grace turned to see Greyback come out of the fireplace and let out a wolf-like howl.

The room erupted into chaos. 

Grace yanked Ginny back and Lee grabbed her hand, dragging them both outside  

"Go, go, go! Into the field!" Arthur shouted behind them. "Hide! We'll find you!"

Before they could obey, Bellatrix appeared and she started a circle of fire around the house. 

Bellatrix cackled in sick amusement as the adults started sending curses her way and sheltering the kids as much as possible. 

Remus and Tonks were dealing with Greyback and the two death eaters were slowly realizing they were outnumbered. 

"It's not over yet!" Bellatrix shouted. "We'll be back!"

She sent a curse at the house and it burst into flames as her and Greyback disappeared. 

"No!" Ginny cried out and Bill held her close.

Grace watched in horror as her home went up in flames. Then her stomach dropped. 

Sirius was still inside. 

Grace yanked away from Lee and ran into the house, casting a temporary fire protection charm as she went. 

She heard people screaming her name but ignored them.

Everything was on fire, Molly's favorite love seat, the kitchen, 

Don't think, run.

She dashed up the stairs and into Fred and George's room, Sirius was still asleep and snoring, Grace rushed over and shook him.

"Sirius! Sirius, wake up!" She could barely catch her breath. 

He sat up with a start.

"Grace, what's… the house is on fire!" 

"I… I know…"

There was a crash as the stairs collapsed and Sirius grabbed her, aparating into the Weasley's yard.

"Grace!" Timothy yanked her away from Sirius and held her tightly. "That was stupid! Why did you do it?!"

"I-" She started coughing. 

She was pulled away again by Fred and George who were both glaring at him.

"Gigi, are you okay?" George asked, checking her for burns.


"Don't do that again." Fred said, hugging her as everyone else ran over. 

Once her family had calmed down she turned to Lee. 

He kissed her as soon as she reached him.

"You scared me." He mumbled, brushing her hair back. "You scared me so bad."

"I'm... sorry… But I couldn't leave Sirius there."

The world started spinning and she nearly collapsed but he caught her, scooping her into his arms as she started coughing again. 

"We're going to the hospital."

"L..Lee I'm fine…"

"You have asthma, there's smoke in your lungs. We're going to a muggle hospital because they know what to do." He said it firmly with no room for more protests. 

And from then, Grace remembered practically nothing. She vaguely knew they made it to the hospital and there were a lot of needles that she hated, she could also tell one or both of the twins were there and it was freaking them out just as much. 

When she finally woke up again, George was half asleep on the couch in her hospital room. 

Grace shifted causing the bed to squeak and George immediately sat up and came over, sitting on the bedside. 

"Hey Gigi… I literally just made Lee go home to get some rest." He said softly. "How are you feeling?" He started stroking her cheek.

"Okay… I think." She said, "What's going on?"

"You've been in and out for a couple days… there was a lot of smoke in your lungs and you kept freaking out when you were awake so they kept you asleep." George explained. 

"Oh… George… the house?"

"We're rebuilding." He said simply. "Everything will be okay, I promise. Besides, you're still staying with us."

"Yeah, I'm just worried… everyone got out, right?"

"Yup, actually found Kayda and Lola playing in the fire after it had died down a bit. They're at home."

Grace forced a small laugh and tried to sit up, but he pushed her back. 

"Relax. What do you need?"

"I want a hug." Grace grumbled.

George chuckled and laid down next to her, putting his arms around her and bringing her close. 

"I love you. Sirius was said to tell you thanks and he loves you. He paced in the waiting room for a whole day until Addy dragged him home."

"Of course he did. Um… where's Fred? Is he okay?"

"He's at home with Sarah, Angelina's exhausted. But I'll send him a Patronus to let him know you're okay." 

"Can he bring Sarah down here?"

"I think so."

About half an hour later, Fred was there with Sarah and Grace cracked a smile, taking her.

"Hey Sarah Grace!" She said softly. "Did you miss me?"

"I missed you!" Fred butted in, pushing George off the bed so he could sit next to Grace. He kissed her forehead. "You scared us."

"Couldn't leave Sirius." Grace said simply. 

"Yeah, we know."

"Everything turned out fine." George reminded. "Everyone is safe."

He hugged Grace again and she took Sarah back.

"Want to play peekaboo?"

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