Book 4! 1~ Floo Accidents

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"Are you sure that's enough stamps, Mum?" Ron fretted.

"Oh I do hope so." Grace said, looking concerned. "I don't remember how many mama used to put on them."

"Well, either way, we're going to get him." Molly said worriedly. "You should probably send a message with your owl Ron, letting him know."

Pigwidgeon had been a gift to Ron from Sirius, the name was Ginny's idea and it really fitted the owl.

"I'll do that now." He said, and left.

"I hope it's right..." Molly muttered, adding one more stamp for good measure, the only thing showing was Harry's address.

. . .

The next Sunday was busy, Hermione had arrived Saturday night, and Bill and Charlie would arrive while they were getting Harry. They hadn't seen Charlie since their Egypt trip last year, he was super busy with his work.

Grace took a deep breath and stepped into the fireplace with Fred, right after her dad had gone, preparing to go get Harry.

He put an arm around her, and threw down the green powder and stated clearly.

"Number 4, Privet drive."

The green fire lit and in a moment, they were in a dark space.

"Ouch!" Arthur said. "Fred, go back and tell George not to-"

"Ow!" Grace said as George appeared next to her. It was beginning to feel very crowded.

"There must be a way to go back before Ron comes... oh dear."

"Dad, maybe Harry can hear us." George suggested, his voice muffled. "Then he can let us in."

"Good idea." Arthur said, then he started banging on the wall. "Harry?"

"I'm here Mr. Weasley! The fireplace is closed up. I'm not sure how you'll get out...

Ron showed up suddenly and Grace pressed herself against the wall.

"Bloody hell! Are we in the right place?"

Oh yes, we're exactly where we're supposed to be." Fred said sarcastically

"We're having the time of our lives!" George said.

"The best, it's a lovely vacation spot!" Grace added.

"Alright, that's enough." Arthur sighed. "Stand back Harry. "

A moment later, the cover flew off, sending soot all over the living room that they entered.

"Sorry about that." Arthur said as they filed out. "We'll fix it in a jiffy." There was an awkward silence.

"We'll get the trunk, Harry." Fred volunteered, and Grace happily followed the twins, grabbing George's hand as they passed an enormously fat boy who had his hands clapped over his fat bottom.

George smirked at him but pulled Grace to his other side to be safe.

They went into Harry's room and Fred and George each picked up a side and started back downstairs.

Things looked more awkward than when they had left, and Arthur looked relieved.

"Good, George, you take the trunk and go first, then you Ron, then Grace and Fred."

They nodded and obeyed.

On the way to the fireplace, Fred faked a stumble, and several of the trick candies went all over the floor, he quickly started picking them up, but Grace saw he left one and hid a smile, knowing that Dudley wouldn't be able to resist.

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