8~ The Great Snape Incident

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Grace, George, Fred, Lee, and Remus sat on the beds in the boy's dorm. Remus was obviously thinking and the kids kept their mouths shut.

Fred and George were staring at Grace in shock, wondering how this was going to go down, mostly, they couldn't believe she didn't tell them. That's what they were there for, right? They had always been there for things like this. Why hadn't she come to them this time?

"You want to explain why, you didn't tell us about Lockhart?" Remus asked finally.

"Because he was right." George and Fred snorted, Lee gave a short laugh.

"Oh you're so demanding. Right Georgie?" Fred said sarcastically.

"Right Freddy, and you're crazy manipulative,"

"And always putting your needs before everyone else's," Lee added.

"Okay," Remus interrupted, "thank you boys. Grace, come here."

Grace slowly and cautiously walked over to him. He took her hands and looked her in the eyes.

"Listen to me, and listen well. You have several siblings, and have learned how to be heard, that is not manipulative. You survived through hell and try to know when to ask for help, that's not demanding. Cuddling with your brothers when you need to know you're loved, is not attention seeking. Needing assurance from the things you've been told is not needy. And while you may be a little bossy at times, that's probably why Fred, Lee, and George, are still alive." That got a small smile and protests from the boys.

Remus pushed her hair back since she hadn't put it back up yet.

"You understand?"

"Yes." Grace whispered, and Remus nodded approvingly.

"Good. Now I want you to get out of your Quidditch robes, and in normal clothes. I have a meeting with Professor Mcgonngal. You guys chill and I'll be back in about an hour."

They were all quiet again when he left. After she changed, Grace flopped out on one of the beds, thinking.

Why had she fallen into a pit of self hatred so fast? He had told her the first time, and then whenever he saw her. She should've been stronger than that, she had survived her father hadn't she? But, maybe that made her more susceptible.

"Gigi." George said softly, she nervously sat up and looked at him and Fred.

"We're sorry, we should've known what happened." They reached for a hug and Grace practically barreled into them.

Fred kissed her forehead and pulled her closer, putting an arm around George as well.

"It's not your fault." She whispered. "I'm sorry for letting him get to me."

"He shouldn't of talked to you that way. He's an adult for cripes sake!"

"Honesty is important-" Grace started.

"Not from a professor to a kid he barely knows, and not in that form." Said Fred.

Grace shrugged again and all three boys sighed, knowing this wasn't going to be overcome by one conversation.

. . .

Pranks had been scheduled for that afternoon, Fred and George pass up an opportunity to prank with a legendary pranker? Not likely. And Remus 'just so happened' to have a batch of polyjuice potion with him. Just enough to infect all of that night's pumpkin juice.

The hard part was going to be getting hairs. They were going to get some from each of the teachers, it was going to be a blast. Grace was making sure to get Professor Mcgonngal, while the Fred had settled with Dumbledore, George with Snape, and Lee with Professor Flitwick. Remus was going to stay himself as they weren't adding the polyjuice to the adults table.

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