14~ Sarah Grace

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Fred and George had gone back to the shop, not really knowing what else to do.

Angelina was waiting for them in the living room and stood when they walked in, putting a hand on her stomach. The baby was due any day.

"What happened? Is everything alright?"

Fred shook his head slowly, walking over to his fiancé.

"Darling... you might want to sit down."

. . .

24 hours had come and gone. Fred had just made himself get out of bed even though he desperately wanted to just continue sleeping and forget.

He heard George working in the shop all night, occasional explosions told him that his brother was working on new products to distract himself.

As much as he wanted to stay in bed, Angelina, -who was sleeping beside him and snoring softly- needed breakfast, and George needed sleep.

He pulled on a shirt and left the room, starting to make breakfast when another wave of grief hit him.

Grace had never gotten to see the joke shop.

He made it to the couch before nearly collapsing and put his head in his hands, trying not to start crying again.

There was a small yelp from the bedroom and then Angelina's panicked voice.


He jumped up and ran into his bedroom, there was a wet spot on the bed where she had been sitting and now she looked terrified as her eyes met his.

"My water just broke."

Immediate panic set in. He dashed across the room and grabbed the hospital bags that they had packed weeks ago, then picked her up.

"We'll floo. It's the safest way."

He shouted down to George that the baby was coming and they left for Mungos.

. . .

Grace groaned and sat up slowly, rubbing the back of her head. What was going on? One second she was fighting, the next Sirius was falling through that weird thing and she was...

Oh Merlin, Sirius!


No answer.

She scrambled to her feet and looked around, examining her surroundings.

She appeared to be in an old storage closet, boxes were stacked haphazardly everywhere, spiderwebs covered the room, the room was also insanely huge, with the only light eliminating from the veil, identical to the other in the Ministry.

Ignoring it, she scanned the room for Sirius. Then saw him lying on the floor several feet away.

Grace scrambled over, her heart beating much too fast, she shook him as roughly as she dared.


He groaned, and forced his eyes open.

"Grace! What are you doing here? Where are we?"

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