6~ Potions

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The days passed in a blur. Grace hadn't had another nightmare, luckily, but she also was barely sleeping and not really eating. Transfigeration and Care of magical creatures were, so far, her favorite classes and she found all her homework fairly easy.

She had snatched the mandrake leaf, and had it in her mouth, now was the best time to start this process.

She was also was getting to know Harry quite well. They talked a lot at meals, Grace was quickly adjusting to the noise and learning to ignore the stares, and it was easier when she was talking to someone.

Friday had finally arrived, double potions.

"I heard Snape favors his house." Ron was saying, "We'll soon find out if that's true."

"Wish Mcgonngal favored us." Said Harry.

"So do I!" Grace said. Just because she was head of their house, didn't mean she hadn't piled homework on them, even if Grace loved the class.

The mail arrived with a flurry of owl wings and hoots. A huge snowy owl landed next to Harry, and dropped a letter on his plate.

"It's from Hagrid," he said after a moment. "He asks if you two want to come to tea?"

"Of course!" Grace signed with a huge smile. "Ron?"

"Why not? Should be fun."

"Alright," Harry said smiling. "Can I borrow a quill Ron?"

. . .

Potions class was in the dungeons. It was quite cold and Grace appreciated the robes for once. There was shelves of ingredients, Grace recognized most of them, and started feeling a little excited, but warry. Snape started calling role, pausing at Harry's name.

"Ah, yes," Snape said softly, "Harry Potter, one of our new - celebrities." He turned to Grace, "Along with this one. I knew your Father. Dave was such a wonderfully bright man. A good friend. Pity he's in Azkaban."

Grace clenched her fists at the words, but didn't say anything. He finished role.

"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion making," he started his speech. He spoke like a whisper, but the whole class could tell he wasn't to be crossed. The way the man talked, you would think potions was the love of his life. Grace zoned out, after he was done, there was continued silence.

"Gansta!" Snape snapped suddenly, yanking Grace back to the present.

"What are the ingredients in the cure for boils potion we'll be making today?"

"Dried nettles, snake fangs, porcupine quills, stewed horned slugs, and Flobberworm Mucus." Grace signed with a calm look.

Snape stared at her for a moment flustered, and turned to Harry.

"Potter! What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

Harry looked at Ron who looked confused. Grace bit her lip, wishing she could somehow tell him the answer. Hermione's hand shot into the air.

"I don't know," Harry answered.

"Clearly, fame isn't everything," Snape ignored Hermione's hand. "Let's try again, where would you look for a bezoar?"

Grace resisted raising her hand, she didn't want to make it worse. Hermione, on the other hand, was raising her hand as high as she could without standing. Malfoy and his cronies we're snickering quietly.

"I don't know, sir." Harry said again calmly.

"Thought you wouldn't open a book before coming here, eh, Potter?"

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