7~ Waiting

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"Angelina is pregnant."

"Crap cookies." Grace whispered.

"Tell me about it. I love her a lot, but I'm not ready for this... I'm going to be a terrible dad-"

Before Grace could stop that lie in its tracks, Bill and Charlie showed up, their eyes were red from crying and Fred squeezed Grace's shoulders tightly, trying to ground them both.

They left Hermione and flooed to the burrow, then Bill and Charlie helped aparate everyone to the mansion.

Sirius was waiting, he looked pale and anxious.

"What happened?" George asked.

They all looked at Harry for this question to be answered.

He quietly explained how he had watched a snake attack Arthur, biting him dozens of times, Grace could feel herself practically floating. She couldn't breathe.

"Is mum here?" Fred asked, turning to Sirius.

"I expect Dumbledore is telling her now. We had to get you all away before Umbridge found out what was going on."

"We need to go to St. Mungos!" Ginny said urgently. "Can you lend us some cloaks or something..."

"No, you can't run off to Mungos!"

"That's our dad! Of course we can go!" Fred said angrily, putting a hand on Grace's shoulder.

"And how are you supposed to explain that you knew before Molly?" Sirius pointed out.

Grace felt torn, she wanted to go see her dad, but Sirius was right, Harry could be in real trouble if they went.

Fred and George looked angrier than Grace had seen them in awhile. Sirius had said something about the Order.

"We don't care about the dumb Order!" Fred shouted.

"Our dad is dying and we need to get down there!" George yelled.

"Your father knew what he was getting into! He's trying to make this a better world for his children and future grandchildren!"

Fred grimaced, but Grace was the only on who noticed as Sirius continued.

"This is the exact reason that you're not in the Order, you don't understand that there are things worth dying for!"

"Easy for you to say, hiding here!" Fred bellowed. "I don't see you risking your neck!"

Sirius turned a shade paler and Grace snapped out of her head.

"It's not his fault!" She said, looking at Fred. "He's not hiding!"

"He-" Fred started.

"Okay enough!" George interrupted. "Fighting with each other isn't going to help anything."


"Stop!" George snapped.

Ginny went and sat at the table, and Sirius got them all drinks.

It was about one in the morning, but they didn't hear anything till 2.

Molly simply wrote:

Dad is still alive. I'm going to see him now, listen to Sirius.

Ron stared at the paper, hoping it would say something else and reassure them. All Grace could think was that "still alive" wasn't very hopeful or optimistic.

By five, Grace was ready to cry herself to sleep, but there was still no news and she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep with the anxiety.

The door opened and Grace jumped up as Molly walked in.

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