Q&A answers + bonus story

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For the Weasley boys, are you okay with Grace and Lee?

"Grace and who?" Bill and Charlie asked, exchanging a look.

"No comment." Percy muttered, paging through his book.

"Perfect, those two!" George exclaimed with a smile. 

"I guess it's okay." Fred mumbled. "But she's a kid still!"

"Fred, I'm fourteen! I know that's not grown, but I'm definitely not a kid."


For Grace, what is your favorite pet?

"Alright, so I have three pets, Pixie, my Fairy, Kayda, my miniature Dragon, and Lola, my Fire Salamander. I love them all but Kayda I've had the longest… so I suppose you could say it's him."

For Grace, who is your favorite brother?

Instant groans came from all present. 

"Oh not again, I don't pick favorites when it comes to people." Grace explained. "It just causes hurt feelings."

For Grace, how long have you liked Lee more than a friend?

"Um.." Grace flushed dark red. "I think since the first time he caught me from falling off the broom… when Flint pushed me."

Favorite song?

Lee thought for a moment before saying quietly. "My aunt used to sing a muggle song called 'Lost Boy'  That's my favorite song, easy."


Grace was fuming as she stalked up the stairs towards Dumbledore's office. 

"Acid pop." She snapped at the gargoyle, and luckily, it was correct, or maybe the creature just sensed her anger and thought it best to let her up.

Grace stormed up the stairs, when she got to the top, Dumbledore was sitting at his desk. And looked surprised to see her.

"Miss. Weasley, can I help you?" 

"You can. You know that thing called a Pensieve? That can show old memories? And you know how you OWN one? Yeah, where the hell was that when Sirius was sent to prison?"

"Miss. Weasley I understand you're angry but there's really nothing I can do."

"You want to specify?"

"As I'm sure you're aware, memories can be tampered with."

"I'm also aware that you can tell when they've been messed with."

Dumbledore looked taken aback, obviously not expecting her to know this information. 

"So want to give me a reason now? Or why they couldn't use truth serum?"

"I don't  have an answer for the first question. But the truth serum, quite possibly because it's not easy to make-"

"Well when it's something this big, I'd expect it to be worth it!" Grace interrupted. 

"I'd appreciate it if you'd calm down…"

"I'd appreciate it if you'd use your freaking brain! Everyone always talks about how amazing you are! And don't for a second think I don't know you've been trying to read my mind for the past three years. Too bad for you, I know how to block it."

"So I've noticed."

They were silent and Grace watched him intently, waiting for an explanation. 

"Well? What are you going to do about it?"

"As I've said Miss. Weasley, I can do nothing. I'm sorry."

"No you're not." Grace said flatly. "It's just not convenient for you. Just like Remus leaving because of what other people will think of you for having a werewolf here."

"I can't help you with Mr. Black." He said simply. "I will tell you what I told Harry. Professor Snape's version of events is far more convincing than yours.… Sirius Black has not acted like an innocent man. The attack on the Fat Lady - entering Gryffindor Tower with a knife - without Pettigrew, alive or dead, we have no chance of overturning Sirius's sentence. And even if, Fudge is desperate to hold onto his power, if he was wrong about something this big, it'd show the public how well he's not doing his job. As for, Mr. Lupin, I'll let him stay if he teaches an extracurricular. Defense Against the Dark Arts has already been filled."

Grace shook her head. "Fine."

"You're going to have to accept my judgment."

"In your dreams." She turned on her heel and left in a huff, ending up in Remus' room.

"Remus, Dumbledore said you could stay. You can teach an extracurricular class."

He looked up from his suitcase. 


"You belong here! You're a wonderful teacher, it's not your fault Snape is a jerk!"

"Professor Snape."

"I don't really care."


"Remus… please?"

He sighed. 

"Let me think about it."

"Alright." Grace hugged him and he picked her up. 

"I'm sorry for not believing you."

"It's okay, I understand. Sorta."

Remus kissed her forehead. 

"I love you. Now go get some sleep."

"I will. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Gracie."

Grace went back to Gryffindor tower fighting tears. Why, why couldn't they see sense?

She got inside and went up the stairs to the dorm, where the boys were waiting for her.

"How'd it go?" Lee asked.

George and Fred looked at her expectantly. 

"Not well." Grace admitted. "He basically decided pursuing Sirius' innocence wasn't worth his time."

George and Lee shook their heads and Fred sighed then flopped back on the bed.

"I'm sorry Grace. But you know, it was kind of expected." 

"I know." She jumped onto the bed next to him. "But I had to try."

"And you did. Try not to lose any sleep over it." He put an arm around her.

"Lee? Can you flip the light switch?"

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