5~ Fred is Dramatic (we already knew that)

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"He's the potions teacher?!"

"Why is Snape the DADA teacher? He was a death eater!"

"My mum is not going to be happy…"

The great hall was in an uproar at the news and Dumbledore couldn't get everyone's attention again so he just gave up. 

Eventually everyone started heading to their house for the night, Grace and Neville trailed behind everyone else, talking quietly. 

"I think I'm going to drop out of Defense Against the Dark Arts." Grace said. "I don't want to be an Auror so it's not required."

"Yeah, me too." Neville agreed. "I want to be a herbology professor."

Grace smiled and looked at him. 

"That's perfect for you."

"Thanks, I hope so."

"You got an O in herbology class, it's perfect. And you're the only reason I got an O in it."

"Well you're the only reason I passed the other classes."

Grace rolled her eyes.

"Don't get mushy on me, I only helped you study, I didn't remember it for you."

"Still." He hesitated for a second. "Grace… thanks for never giving up on me when everyone else did."

Grace looked over at him. 

"The ones who gave up on you are idiots. And you'll prove them wrong."

"If you have too many nightmares, you have to promise that you'll come get me." Neville said quickly, changing the subject. 

"I'll be fine."

"I told your brothers I'd make you promise."

"If I promise then I have to come."

"That's kinda the point."

Grace sighed and nodded. 

"Fine, if I have too many, we can hang in the study closet. Fair?"


. . .

Tryouts for Quidditch was a breeze, it certainly wasn't the best team they had ever had, but Harry, who was captain now, thought they could with practice. 

So every evening was dedicated to Quidditch, which was lucky for Grace and Harry since they were able to get out of Slughorn's parties.

Harry had been using an old potions book and he had become quite the potions master with the help of this 'Half blood Prince' character. This prince had evidently written better instructions in his book because Harry used to be slightly hopeless at potions and now he wasn't. Although that may have been because he couldn't see the instructions while they were all the way in the front of the classroom and Snape hadn't allowed potions books.

Avoiding Slughorn in class was not easy, but Grace and Neville had claimed the back table at the beginning of the semester and he didn't often come back there to inspect the contents of their cauldrons.

By late September, Hogsmeade dates were set and Grace had copied them down and sent them to Lee, so one weekend in October, they decided to meet at the three broomsticks.

Long distance had been a lot more difficult than Grace had expected, and on top of that she also desperately missed her brothers. So when the twins appeared before Lee did, her frustration never made it to the surface. 

She nearly started crying and jumped on George since he had aparated a bit closer and he caught her, hugging her tightly. 

"Hey, hey, it's okay." He said softly. "Did you really miss us that much, or just me?"

"All of you." She whispered, laying her head on his shoulder. 

Fred came over smiling and Grace yanked him into the hug as well. 

"I missed you two so much."

"You missed me more, right?" Fred asked, hugging her. "I am the better looking twin."

Grace laughed and pulled away. 

"I actually missed Lee more, where is he?" 

"Ah! I've been wounded! I shall never recover!" Fred exclaimed, dramatically falling to the ground. 

Grace stared at him and then looked at George for an answer.

"He'll be along in a moment, we came so we could talk to Zonko about selling some of each other's items."

"Oh, do you think it'll work?" Grace asked, purposely ignoring Fred when he reached up to tug on her hand.

"Absolutely, we've got a great reputation and we agreed not to sell each other's products. Except for a few things, like dung bombs. Although ours is a different formula."

"Oh that's-"

"Gigi! Stop ignoring me." Fred protested. "I have your favorite niece." 

She looked down at him.

"She's my only niece." 

"And your favorite because I'm your favorite brother."

"You're dramatic."

"Darn right-"


Lee had appeared and he hugged her in excitement 

Grace hugged him back then looked up and he leaned down to kiss her.

"Miss me?" He whispered, as he pulled away and put a hand on her face.

"A bit."

"I'm hurt."

"At least you're not dramatically collapsing like Fred just did."

"I might join-"

"If you do, I'm going to go to lunch with George and leave you here with Fred." Grace threatened teasingly. 

"No!" Lee protested. "Let's go get lunch. They have business to do."

Grace smiled and took his hand as they walked towards the three broomsticks.

"Here, you go find a table and I'll get us food." Lee said, leaning down to kiss her. 

"Alright, just pick something you think I'll like."

"I can do that." 

He started to walk away, then ran back and put his arms around her, practically picking her up and kissing her again. He then pulled away and rested his forehead on hers.

"I love you so much."

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