15~ May 2nd

356 11 23

Buckle your seat belts 😃

Grace could hardly believe it was all happening. She knew the war would happen in her lifetime, but she had hoped she'd be a little older.

Not 17 and pregnant.

She quickly found Harry and the others, and they set to work on finding the last few horcruxes.

"We know one is Nagini, and one is Voldemort." Harry murmured, thinking. "The diadem... but we don't have anything to destroy it with..."

Grace and Ron look at each other and then both dashed off in the same direction, leaving Harry and Hermione completely lost.

They ended up in the moaning Myrtle's bathroom and Ron got the chamber opened.

"I'll go, you can cast the spell to get me back up when I get the fangs."

"Be careful."

"I will."

He was back in 15 minutes and Grace helped him up and they ran back in time to see Harry and Hermione fly out of the now burning room of requirement with Draco and Goyle in tow, both obviously in shock.

Grace hesitated before touching Draco gently on the arm.

"It's not too late to change."

He looked at her in surprise and barely nodded before running off.

The others ran around a corner just in time to see David dueling with Percy and Fred, Ron and Harry dashed ahead of her and Hermione tried to pull Grace back a bit but only slowed her down slightly.

Which probably saved her life.

Seeing her, David sent a curse and the wall behind Fred exploded, Grace barely dodged out of the way in time, dragging Hermione with her..

The dust cleared and she heard Percy groaning several feet away, but at least he was alive. Everyone seemed to be okay, all of them slowly moving. She stood, relieved.

Until she saw him.

Grace's stomach dropped and she started shouting while scrambling over the wall rubble in panic, silently begging for another stupid prank.

She ran to where Fred was laying, much too still, and dropped by him and pushed the rubble off his chest as Percy began screaming.

"Fred? Fred! no, NO!"

"Wake up!" She demanded, shaking him slightly. "Fred, wake up, damn it! We need you! You have a family! Fred! Fred!" Her voice broke.

Someone forced her to stand and tried to pull her back but she jerked away and fell by Fred again. She looked at Percy for reassurance, but he just shook his head and started to cry.

She put her head on Fred's chest, and when she didn't feel the rise and fall of his breathing that she expected, she dissolved in tears.

"No, no, no, no, no..."

Someone touched her shoulder and she jerked away again, this was not happening.

She sat up after a minute and started wiping the blood off his face, Hermione handed her her wand that she had dropped and Grace casted a cleaning charm.

He looked peaceful, too peaceful. He was always up to something, now...

Now she needed to find George, fight, something. She couldn't just sit here.

She wiped her eyes and stumbled to her feet, Ron and Harry pulled Fred's body to the side. Percy tried to grab her, but Grace shook her head in denial and began running, through hallways and down some stairs, casting curses when she could help.

That's when she saw him.


He had taken everything.

Her Mama, her brother, her future baby sister.

The feeling of safety that no matter how hard she tried to find, never came.

And now, he had taken away Fred.

A scream of anger escaped her lips and she ran straight at David, he blocked her. She did it again and he used a shield charm.

"You are my daughter." He said proudly. "Should've come with me when you had the chance."

"I'm not your daughter! Not by choice, and definitely not by blood."

Realization hit him like a train but he regained his composure quickly.

"Did I kill the red head?

It wasn't a real question as he already knew the answer and wiith a flick of his wand, he had Grace pinned to the wall and he walked over to her and leaned close to whisper in her ear.


With a cry of complete outrage, Grace aparated behind him and tried to jump on him, but he disappeared with a loud crack and laugh as Voldemort's cold voice swept across the castle.

Grace didn't register what he was saying, George was at the end of the hall staring at her and she realized with a start that he must've heard what was said.

She couldn't find words and just started shaking her head, her lips forming words that wouldn't come.

He turned and ran towards the great hall, Grace managed to follow.

Grace knew George's shout of anger and sadness would never leave her ears, it would forever be there whenever this night crossed her mind.

She couldn't breathe and started shaking violently as more bodies filled the room. Everything was spinning and-

She turned when someone called for her and burst into tears at the sight of Neville standing there with Luna. She was too distraught to even smile at the sight of their hands clasped together, though they were pulled apart by Neville immediately running towards Grace across the great hall.


He took in the situation without asking anything, just pulled her against his chest, murmuring small reassurances while the world fell apart around them.

Yes, I cried.

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