16~ ....and Turbans

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The ice feeling wore off as soon as they walked through the fire. It wasn't Snape in the room. It was worse.


"You!" Harry shouted.

Quirrell smiled, not a twitch on his face.

"Me." He said calmly. "I wondered if I'd be running into you tonight Potter." He looked at Grace who was staring at him with contempt. "And the Gansta girl, your father was such a loyal servant..."

Grace dug her nails into her skin until her palm started to bleed. A habit she had developed recently, the twins were trying to help her stop but it wasn't really working.

Grace reached for her wand but both hers and Harry's shot out of their hands in the same moment.

"Don't move." Quirrell snarled. And turned to a big mirror. "I see myself giving the stone to my master." He muttered. "But where is it?"

"Use the boy." A voice hissed, Grace spun around looking for it. Quirrell motioned for Harry to move in front of the mirror.

"What do you see?" Quirrell demanded.

"I, I'm shaking hands with Dumbledore. I've won the house cup!" Grace could smell the lie and she hoped Quirrell couldn't. But her heart plummeted when the voice hissed again.

"He lies!"

"Let me face him."

"Master! You're not strong enough."

"I am for this."

Quirrell unwrapped his turban, a face was on the back of his head.


Harry slapped his hand over his scar and Quirrell used his pain to reach for him, but Grace ran smack into the man, giving Harry a chance to run. Quirrell threw her back and grabbed Harry. The professor let out a scream of pain and pulled away like he had been burned. Quirrell pulled out his wand-

"Avada Ke-"

"Harry!" Grace screamed. "Get down!" Harry obliged, while gaping at her. She dashed at Quirrell, somehow succeeding in grabbing his wand, snapping it over her knee-

Quirrell grabbed her by the throat and slammed her against the wall. She lost consciousness almost,immediately, only having time to think Not again.

. . .

Grace woke to someone stroking her hand.


When he saw her eyes open he let out a small moan and pulled her up into a tight hug.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He whispered into her hair. "I wouldn't have stopped you. I could've helped."

"You didn't need to be in danger too." She said into his chest. He jerked back and stared at her.

"FRED! GEORGE! YOU BETTER GET IN HERE!" He shouted, his voice laced with slight panic. That was when Grace realized that she was not in the hospital wing, but St Mungos.

Fred and George burst in the door at the same time, looking at the other two on the hospital bed.

"Grace!" George exclaimed at the same time that Fred asked, "What's wrong?"

Lee gave Grace a pointed look and she looked towards the twins. She took a breath.

"Hullo guys, what's popping?"

And, scene! Updates and the plan to follow.
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