9~ Plot Twist

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(Sorry this is shorter than usual, I hope you still enjoy!)

"Please dad? He's already been here." Grace begged. "We'll be with everyone the whole time."

She was trying to convince her dad to let Lee come over for new years. And while he seemed willing, there was the whole 'living at Grimmauld place with a known murderer' thing.

"I don't know Grace... are you sure he's trustworthy with this?"

"He didn't tell on us before." She pointed out. "He helped me help Harry and Hermione help Sirius escape."

"Grace... I'm going to say no on this one. We need to be careful, I'm sorry."

Grace sighed but nodded and hugged Arthur gently.

"I know, I was just hoping that maybe... it's fine." She smiled. "Don't worry about it."

. . .

The day before school started again, all the teens were enjoying an afternoon of wizards chess when Molly walked in.

"Harry dear, Professor Snape is here to see you."

"What?" Harry exclaimed, looking up from his game with Ron. "What about?"

"I'm not sure, but you need to hurry. He doesn't have long." She left.

Harry exchanged worried glances with the others before leaving the room and going downstairs to the kitchen,

After a moment, Grace followed. Adhara was already leaning against the kitchen door, and Grace thought for a moment that she would be sent away, but instead, Addy waved her over, Grace went over quickly, Crookshanks at her heels.

The voices in the kitchen got louder and Grace was getting nervous.

Adhara whispered how Snape had shown up to talk to Harry, and Sirius had gone with them to make sure everything was okay. Then the two fell silent and listened to their muffled voices.

"I am here on Dumbledore's orders." Snape was saying. "And I was supposed to speak.to you alone, but I know how Sirius likes to feel..... involved, and so I'll allow him to stay."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sirius said coldly.

There was a small slam and the two girls listening flinched at the same time.

"The headmaster has sent me to tell you, Potter," Snape was saying, ignoring Sirius's question. "That it's his wish for you to study Occlumency this term.

"Study what now?" said Harry blankly.

"Occlumency, Potter. The magical defense of the mind against external penetration. An obscure branch or magic, but highly useful."

"Why do I need to learn this... thing?" Harry demanded.

"Because, boy, the dark lord can see into your mind, you must know how to block it. No one is to know that you're taking these lessons. Especially Umbridge. Understand? I will be teaching you, be at my office at six on Monday night, tell people you're taking remedial potions."

"But why can't Dumbledore teach me?" Harry demanded.

"Dumbledore is busy. Now I need to go-"

"Hold up." Sirius interrupted. "I need to talk to you."

"What is it, Black? Unlike you, I don't have all day leisure time."

When Sirius spoke again, his words were slow. "Do know, Severus, that if Harry has any problems with you using this against him, I will be informed, and I will not let it slide."

"How very touching." Snape sneered. "But surely you have noticed that Potter is very much like his father?"

"I have." Sirius said proudly.

"Then you'll know that he's so arrogant that criticism bounces off him."

The sound of a chair being slammed back was heard, Grace jumped up and slowly pushed open the kitchen door.

Snape and Sirius had their wands pointed at each other, Adhara froze, staring at the wand pointed at her brother and Grace pushed past her, standing between them with Harry.

"I've warned you Snivellus," Sirius said, ignoring Harry and Grace. "I don't care if Dumbledore thinks you're reformed, I know better-"

"Oh, but then why don't you tell him so?" Snape said in a low voice. "Or are you afraid he take a man who's been hiding in his mother's house for six months very seriously?"

"Are you calling me a coward?" Sirius roared.

"Yes, I suppose I am." Snape said.

Sirius raised his wand.

"Stop!" Grace shouted. "Sirius please."

"Grace, Harry, move out of the way." Sirius said firmly. "Now."

"You let children fight your fights now?" Snape sneered. "Not much has changed then, has it?" He pointed his wand at Grace. "Drop your wand or-"

He was interrupted by Crookshanks letting out a loud hiss and attacking his face.

With a screech, Snape pulled the cat off his face and threw it at Grace.

Grace closed her eyes instinctively, and held her arms out to catch him, but something much, much heavier than a cat hit her instead and she hit the ground hard.

"Bloody hell!" Harry shouted.

Someone yanked whatever it was off of her chest, and Grace opened her eyes to see Sirius hugging a black haired boy, the boy clutched Sirius's jacket, hiding his face.

"It's alright, it's alright. Merlin, how...?"

Harry had helped Grace up and she stared at Sirius and the boy.


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