13~ New Years

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*Trigger Warning ⚠️ Mention of suicidal thoughts *

Before long, it was New Years eve. That night was one of the busiest Grace had ever experienced on New Years, most of the students had come back that day and brought lots of things from home.

Some of those 'things' included alcohol and beer.

Really, Grace didn't have a problem with people drinking in small amounts. Often, when Bill and Charlie came over, they would all have a beer together. They might get a little tipsy, but they never got drunk in front of the kids. Well, except once on accident.

The one time it happened, the both of them came home one night absolutely hammered. Both of them stumbling around and laughing and talking much too loud. Grace had walked into the living room to see what was up when she heard someone yell, and saw them nose to nose yelling at each other. She had stood there frozen until Charlie swung, which is when she screamed, bringing everyone in the house running. Everyone was behind her when they fell into the coffee table, crushing it with a loud crack. Which is when Grace suddenly disappeared.

Ginny found her in the shed, hiding behind towering boxes.

Anyway. People being drunk did scare her. So when Fred and George were getting a little too tipsy for her liking, she found herself curled up, with her greek mythology book, in the boy's dorm, in the rocking chair. Which is where Lee found her at five minutes to midnight. Grace heard his footsteps and looked up.

"Lee!" She beamed, jumping up and launching herself at him. Lee chuckled and hugged her close.

"Hey Gigi, how are you doing?" Grace pulled away to look at him.

"I'm alright. I love the pictures so, so much!!! And the camera. Thank you!"

He tugged one of her braids gently. "I knew you'd like it, and I," he said plopping onto his bed and patting the seat next to him. "Have really been enjoying leaving those fake wands around. Was that your idea? I haven't seen them at Zonkos." Grace smirked.

"I did actually, while you guys were doing stuff with the candies, I came up with a few things of my own."

A clatter came from the stairs and George stumbled into view.

"Hey guys," his words sounded a bit slurred. "We'll be -oops-" he knocked over a trunk. "Counting down in a minute. Coming down?"

"Of course!" Lee said happily, "Coming Gigi?"

Grace took a deep breath and nodded. She hoped people weren't too crazy.

"Are you ready for this?!" A sixth year shouted.

"Yeah!" The common room shouted back. Grace pressed into Lee, who put his hands on her shoulders.

"10! 9! 8! 7! 6!" Grace looked at the clock, the seconds going down.

"4! 3! 2!"

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" The noises that followed were some of the loudest Grace had ever experienced. She clapped her hands over her ears, with a huge grin.

"Are you alright?" Fred yelled, coming up behind them, then proceeded to throw up on the carpet. Grace made a face and backed away.

"Fred. No."

"What? Gigi, what's wrong?" He clumsily reached out, grabbing her wrist. She jerked away, shaking.

"Fred, please, I don't-" Lee pulled her backwards, sidestepping in front of her.

"Fred, you're a bit drunk." Lee cut in sharply. "You're scaring her. Stay downstairs. I mean it." Lee took Grace's hand and dragged her upstairs.

"You alright?" He asked her once they were upstairs safely.

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