8~ Hospital Wing

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Oliver immediately took the two of them down to the Quidditch pitch, explaining the rules to Harry, Professor Mcgonngal had said not to worry about what brooms they would need, and to leave it to her.

"So, your two's job will be one of you catching the snitch -it doesn't matter who, Harry,- and tossing it to the other before the other teams seekers get it from you. It's best to always stay close to each other to prevent the other team snatching the snitch out of the air after you've touched it. 
 We're not going to practice tonight, we'll wait on your brooms to come in, but I wanted Harry to get a little familiar with the game."

Grace was bouncing with excitement. She'd wanted to play Quidditch since Charlie had gotten in. She knew he'd be especially excited when he found out that Grace was going to be a seeker just like he had been.

As soon as they were back in the castle, Grace told Harry bye, thanked Oliver and sprinted toward the common room, excited to tell her brothers what had happened.

At first, George and Fred had taken turns making sure she found her way to wherever she needed to go. After the first week, she had convinced them that she had it down. Grace actually really enjoyed the quiet castle's long corridors and tricks it played. Walls would pretend to be doors, doors would disguise themselves as walls. Even with the twins accepting her going places alone, Ron and Harry or Hermione or Neville were usually with her. Mrs. Norris walked around.  with a huge picture, making Grace jump.

"Hey Mrs. Norris. Where'd you come from?" Grace noticed something strange about the huge picture on the wall and walked over to examine it, finding that it was completely solid. Grace knit her eyebrows together and slowly ran her hand across the bricks. It had looked shimmery just a moment ago. Mrs. Norris rubbed against her leg - "Why do you like me, cat?" - and ran her head into the third from the ground brick, right under the picture. Grace gasped as the wall turned shimmery. After a few seconds, it went back. Standing up, Grace put her ear against the brick, she couldn't hear anything, which was unusual, typically she could hear conversations all through a building. Maybe that was something with the enchantments around the castle? Taking a deep breath, Grace kicked the activating stone and dashed through the wall….
…. Running straight into a person. 

The force of her running caused her to fall back onto the now solid wall, smacking her head against it in the process, her vision started swimming. She glanced around, and gasped.

There were pots and ingredients everywhere, a table full of papers. Different colored candies and models of trinkets. But what surprised her the most was who was in the room.

Lee Jordan sat on the floor rubbing his back while Fred and George stared at her with open mouths  from across the room. 

"How in the-" was all Grace heard before she passed out. 

All three of the boys were frozen in shock. Fred snapped out of it first, rushing over and cradling her limp body in his arms. 

"We need to take her to the hospital wing." George said, his voice shaky, but strong. "She could have a concussion." He helped Lee up as Fred nodded in agreement. They rushed out of the room.

. . .

Grace woke up in a hospital bed. her head pounding and feeling like it'd been hit by a hammer, she carefully sat up, what had happened rushing back. The room was pitch dark, Grace glanced at her watch and saw it was about midnight. She'd been out for hours.

Neville was sleeping peacefully in a bed next to her, snoring quietly. Grace debated on waking him up, but decided against it. He was probably exhausted from the broom fall.

A door opened from across the room and a woman walked in, Madame Pomfrey.

"Well, hello dear, you've given people quite a scare. If you'd been asleep much longer I'd have been contacting Mungos for help." She noticed Grace's glance at Neville and gave her a thin smile. "He decided to stay the night when you were brought in. Now, let me look at your head." Grace looked down with a smile, but a spasm of pain shooting up and down her spine and into her forehead chased it away.

"Well," Madame Pomfrey said quietly, as to not bother Neville. "It's healing nicely- should be fine in the morning--" a knock on the door interrupted her and she went to answer the door, muttering about how her patients needed sleep.

"Is she awake yet?" Grace heard George ask anxiously from the doorway.

"Yes, but you can see her in the morning! Go to bed! She's in good hands."

"We don't doubt that, Poppy," a different calm voice said. "But let the boys take her back." Neville was awake at this point and he watched curiously as Fred and George hurried in, followed by an old man with moon shaped glasses and a long beard. Grace immediately felt on edge and wary of him. 

George sat down on the left side of the bed, Fred on her right. 

"Hey Gigi," they said together.

"You want to come back to the house?" Fred asked, Grace nodded, glancing at Neville.

"Are you coming with us?" 

Neville looked at Madame Pomfrey questionably, she threw her hands in the air.

"Fine! Who cares! Not like I have a job to do!" She stormed off, muttering under her breath. 

Dumbledore had been staring at Grace this whole time and she was feeling more uncomfortable by the second. She could feel him trying to probe her mind, but she wasn't letting him get anywhere. Just enough to make him think he was getting everything.

Grace swung her legs off the bed, standing up quickly, desperate to get away from the headmaster. As soon as she stood, though, the world was spinning out of control. Fred grabbed her shoulders, helping everything to still, and made her sit down.

"Don't let that girl walk until tomorrow!" Madame Pomfrey shouted from the other room.

"Thank you, Poppy." Dumbledore said back, in his annoyingly calm voice.

Grace was almost in tears. She just wanted to get away from this old man.

"Hey, Gigi," George said comfortingly. "It's okay, we'll carry you back up." He took her hand, and started signing. "We'll explain everything in the morning, I promise." He picked her up, thanked Dumbledore for his help and they headed out, Neville following shyly. 

 After getting Grace settled down in bed, and giving her a potion to help her sleep, George waved Fred out of the room for a moment.

"I don't think she's eating enough, I should've had to hand her to you when we were halfway up." Fred nodded.

"I was thinking the same. I don't know what exactly we can do though, we don't have lunch together and sometimes not even breakfast and dinner."

"I know."

Knowing that they couldn't do anything else, they collapsed into bed on either side of a sleeping Grace. Quickly falling asleep themselves.

Hey guys! Sorry this is out so late,  I have had an extremely long day and just got around to finishing. Don't forget to vote and comment!  Thanks so much for reading!

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