BOOK 5!!!! 1~ At Grimmauld Place

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Summer had started and the Weasley family had almost immediately moved into Grimmauld place where the order meetings were to be held. At the moment, they were cleaning and waiting for Dumbledore to come back with Sirius from wherever he had been hiding.

The portraits had been screaming, but Fred and George had eventually managed to pull heavy curtains over them.

While the twins were dealing with that nightmare, Grace, Ron and Ginny were scrubbing the bedrooms they would be using down with vinegar and other cleaning supplies.

As for Percy? He had basically skipped town. The fight between him and dad had been huge, dramatic and ugly. Grace had hid in the shed with the other kids and still heard every word. Having werewolf hearing 24/7 had it's advantages, but most days Grace desperately wanted to turn it off.

It wasn't until the evening that people started to show up. A few that Grace knew, but not all.

Remus stopped to see her before going in and Grace immediately smelled the other werewolves.

"You promised you weren't going back." She said, arms crossed.

"Gracie, that was when we thought Voldermort was gone, now he's back and someone has to do it."

"I don't see why it has to be you. They'll be suspicious, you were gone for years and now you're suddenly back."

"I have to, it's for-"

"It's for the greater good, I know, I know. I've heard it all before."

Remus kissed the top of her head.

"I promise you, I will be careful. Now I have to go to the meeting, but I will see you before I leave."

He left her room and Grace flopped back on the bed, thinking.

She understood why Remus had to do this, but it wasn't smart, it wasn't safe, and he had already aroused suspicions by leaving. What would happen at the next full moon?

Hours later, there was a soft knock on the door and she sat up, expecting one of the boys, but saw Sirius instead and grinned.


Grace jumped up and ran to him, hugging him tightly.

"Hey! How are you feeling?" He asked, brushing her hair out of her face. "I like the cut."

"Thanks, I'm okay now, I think, I don't really know." She admitted. "But I have something for you!"

She dashed across the room to her trunk and pulled out Sirius's leather jacket and handed it to him.

Sirius took it slowly, as if he didn't quite believe it was there. He unfolded it and slowly put it on before opening the closet mirror to see how it looked, then laughed.

"Twelve years older, fits the same." He was quiet for a second, admiring himself, then said quietly. "James and Kat got it for me."

"They did?" Grace laid on her stomach on the bed and looked at him expectantly, putting her chin in her hands.

"We were 19, Lily had brought us over to her house for a movie. I already had my motorcycle -which I am totally taking you on when I'm in the clear- and some people with motorcycles had these nice leather jackets. My next birthday came around and Kat, Clara, and Addy surprised me with it."

"Were you two close?" Grace asked, deciding to ask about the other two later.

"Me and James? Best friends from the second we met."

"No, you and Mama."

"Kat... yeah, we were, my younger sister Addy and her were best friends."

"I remember Addy."

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