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It was pitch black outside, no stars, or moon. Perhaps that was best for the mission. The only sound was the occasional whinny from the thestrals that Grace and Lee were riding. 

By now the Polyjuice potion had worn off and Lee was back to his normal dark skin and black frizzy hair. The giggles from herself and the laughs from Lee when she kissed him as Harry, rang in Grace's ears as the newly rebuilt burrow revealed itself below them.

Grace followed Lee's horse closely and they landed in the Weasley's yard without further incident. She slid off her Trestle's back into Lee's waiting arms.

"Are you okay? You're not hurt?"

Grace nodded, hugging him.

"Are you?"

"No, I'm fine. I'll be back as quick as I can, okay? I gotta check on mama and dad."

"Be careful."

"You too."

He kissed her quickly and aparated away.

Timothy walked over once Lee had left and Grace looked at him.

"Who's back?" 

"Hagrid and Harry. That's it."

Grace felt the blood drain from her face as they walked inside, she hugged Molly first, then squeezed Ginny's hand and nodded at Harry to confirm that Lee was safe.

"Who all is supposed to be back?" Grace asked Ginny in a low voice once Molly walked out of ear shot.

"Dad, Fred, Bill and Fluer, next is supposed to be Remus and George-"

There was a loud whooshing sound and the two girls ran outside, Remus was supporting George, who was unconscious and covered in blood. Grace screamed before she could stop herself. 


She sprinted across the yard to them while Ginny started yelling for Molly. 

"Mum! Mum, come quickly!"

Molly rushed outside and gasped. 

"Bring him in! To the sofa!" 

George's head seemed to be where the blood was coming from and Grace couldn't stop staring at it, but she pushed Ginny into Harry's arms as she followed close behind Remus inside, and Harry kept her eyes turned away. 

"A curse… it blasted his ear off I think." Remus explained, signing instructions to Grace with one hand. "I'm sorry Molly… I tried to protect him but I wasn't fast enough."

Grace obeyed and sat on the couch first so Remus laid George's head in her lap and she could help hold him still as Molly worked. She didn't even flinch at the blood flowing onto her legs and shorts, which made Remus feel safe enough to leave the room and talk to Harry. 

George whimpered in pain and Grace started to stroke his hair, blinking back tears and talking softly. 

"Shh… it's alright… Mum's going to help… okay? She's right here, and so am I. You hear me? It's me, it's Grace. Everything is going to be okay now."

As Molly casted spells Grace kept talking, hoping to calm him down since he was still crying from the pain. 

"You're going to be okay." She said softly, pushing his hair back again.

There was another whooshing sound outside, and then several voices. She resisted the urge to jump up and run out, but saw Kingsley, Fleur, Arthur and Fred through the window. Then Angelina ran outside with Sarah. 

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