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Christmas came around and harry was convinced that he needed to go to his hometown of Godric’s hollow and visit Bathilda Bagshot to get to the bottom of “The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore”

He was convinced that she’d have all the answers he was desperately searching for.

But first stop, the graveyard.

Godric’s hollow graveyard was completely silent, But it also had an unusual amount of people in it.

One family was together for the first time in 17 years, one daughter with her mother and father for the first time ever.

Grace stared down at the gravestone.

Katherine Evans Gansta

Mother, Sister, Best friend.

Forever gone, yet never forgotten. 

Grace sat there in the snow, her hair flying around in the freezing wind, and started crying.

Sirius came back from James’s grave and knelt next to her and started braiding her hair to get it out of the way.

“I used to braid your Mama’s hair all the time, when we were in school.”


“Yup.” He took a shaky breath. “She’d braid mine too. She called it fishtail braid. After a while, I could do it better than her.”

“Is that what you’re doing?”


When he was done, he helped Grace back up and they went to find Harry and Hermione, coming around the corner just in time to see them enter someone’s house.

As they got closer, an awful smell filled her nostrils and she stopped, grabbing Sirius’s arm.

“Somethings wrong. It smells absolutely terrible in there.”

"That's weird."

Grace hesitated outside after Sirius walked in. The street was too quiet and she was getting a headache from the overwhelming smell inside. She shook her head and took one last breath of fresh air before walking in.

Herminone was pacing alone downstairs and she forced a small smile when she saw them.

“Oh, there you are, I was about to come looking for you.” 

“Where’s Harry?” Grace demanded.

“Oh, he’s upstairs, I was actually thinking about cleaning some for this lady, it smells awful.”

“Ain’t that the truth.” Sirius muttered. “It smells worse than my house before I moved back in." 

It smelled like death. 

Grace wasn't sure how the thought entered her brain, but she then turned and pushed open a bedroom door.

"Oh my Merlin!" Hermione screeched. 

Bathilda Bagshot's body was in the bed, but she was obviously dead, considering the stench .

“B-but if she’s down here…”

Grace pushed past her, running up the stairs as there were crashes and Harry started shouting.

“He’s coming! Hermione, he’s coming!”

Grace looked back quickly.

“Go! I’ll get Harry! Meet me at the backup!” 

She heard Sirius protesting but Hermione snapped some spell at him and a crack told her that they had gotten away safely and she climbed the stairs as quietly and quickly as possible.

When she got to the top she froze for nearly half a second.


And the snake was going in for the strike.

Grace launched herself across the room, jumping in front of Harry and shoving him out of the way.

Just as she was about to grab him and aparate, fangs sank into her shoulder and she bit back a scream, she bashed the snake on the head to make it let go and she barely managed to grab Harry and aparate to the right place before collapsing on the grass.

“Grace! Harry!”

“We’re here! Hermione! Get the medicine! Hurry!” Harry shouted, then leaned over Grace as his face became blurred. “Hold on, just hold on.”

. . .

Hours later, she woke to someone dabbing her face with a wet sponge, she sat up quickly, startling Sirius and causing him to fall out of his chair. 

“Crap! Grace, lay down.”

He pushed her back. She looked around and to her shock saw Ron sleeping on the floor, he had a few bruises and Grace looked at Sirius in confusion and concern.

“What’s going on? Why is Ron here? Who hit him?”

“It’s a long story. But the necklace is destroyed and everyone is safe, okay? The bruises are evidently the twins doing, they found out about him leaving you and what he said.”

“Wow. Good for them.”

“You don’t have to talk to him.”

“I will eventually.”

"You want some water?"

Grace nodded slowly and Sirius immediately jumped up to get it for her, turning on the radio and fiddling with it before walking into the kitchen. 

And time seemed to stop. 

Lee on the radio.

Grace stood up and stumbled over to the radio so she could hear better.

He was bringing people up to date, but she barely understood what he was saying.

“Grace? Gracie?”

A cup was forced in her mouth and she swallowed the water, then everything started clearing up.

“Are you okay?” Sirius was kneeling in front of her. “I think you should've stayed in bed. You almost passed out.”

“Y-yes. It’s Lee. On the radio.”

“Yeah, and the twins.” He confirmed softly.

Grace nodded and listened quietly to the list of missing people, biting her lip when she heard her name and Lee’s voice wavered.

Before she could stop herself, she began sobbing. Sirius clicked off the radio and gathered her into his arms.

“He’s safe, he’s alright. They all are. I promise.”

Hello!! If you could please go check out the message on my message board and and answer the questions, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!! It concerns this story so it's pretty important.

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