14~ The Forbidden Forest

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Grace walked in the forest enjoying the sounds of the leaves rustling, once she had gotten in, it was easier to calm down. Especially with the sound of birds, and different insects. It was getting late, she had been walking for over two hours. And was getting exhausted. It was so dark, her feet were hurting, and so did her chest from the crying. She leaned against a tree and slid down, taking a breath from her inhaler and then putting her head in her knees and wrapping her arms around her legs. Thoughts running around in her head.

Ron's right. They don't want me. They only took me in because it was right.

Then why do they act like they love you so much?

Grace wasn't sure where the thought came from. But it calmed her down a little. She considered turning into her animagus form as she stood and started to run again, but before she could decide, her foot caught on a root and tripped down a small hill, smacking her head on a rock.

. . .

"Your parents will be flooing here shortly." Professor Mcgonngal informed the Weasleys, plus Lee, Neville, Harry and Hermione. "Hagrid is continuing to look in the forest. We'll have her home before too long." She smiled encouragingly at the children, before quickly leaving the room wiping her eyes.

"This is all my fault!" Ron moaned when she had gone.

"Hey," Hermione said gently, placing a tinitive hand on his shoulder. "You had a fight, it happens."

Ron just shook his head and turned away. Harry pulled out a chess game in an attempt to distract the both of them, Neville moved over to watch, quickly rubbing his eyes. Hermione sighed and tried to concentrate on her book, Percy had left to deal with some prefect duties, Fred was sitting against the wall staring into space, George was pacing, occasionally getting Fred to say something and Lee was sitting at the desk tapping his fingers.

All of them had the same thought whirling around in their mind.

Where was Grace? Was she going to come home?

. . .

Arthur Weasley was standing outside Minne's office pacing. Much like George had been a few short hours earlier. The adults had forced the kids to go get some sleep, including Ginny, promising to wake them as soon as there was any news. Minivera was serving Molly some tea and trying to calm her down. She had offered it to Arthur, but he couldn't sit still. He had olwed Remus and Charlie, who were both still in Romania, hoping it would help Remus get rid of the extra stress he was carrying, to let them know what was going on. Ron had told him what had happened and he couldn't help but feel guilty.

What Grace had said was true, him and Molly didn't often refer to Grace as their daughter in her presence, even though they considered her as one. They didn't want it to seem like they were replacing her parents. Especially Kat.

A ghost lady floated into view and said with a bored voice.

"You're wanted in the hospital wing, not sure why. I was sent to get you and your wife- where are you running off to? Living people are so rude...."

Arthur had in fact, ran towards the hospital wing as fast as he could. He burst through the doors to see Bill sitting next to a bed with red eyes deep in thought, and Madame Pomfrey bustling around a grave look on her face.

"Gracie." He breathed, and dropped to the ground.

. . .

Bill left the hospital wing to wake his siblings and their friends. When he got into Gryffindor tower a dark skinned boy sitting on the couch with his chin in his hands and bouncing his leg, made him jump.

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