4~ Bogart

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Grace hated divination, she wasn't even going to think about that class.

But something that had happened with Hermione had gotten her wondering.

How had she appeared behind them after divination? She had left in front of them, then disappeared.

It didn't take her long to figure it out.

Hermione was taking two classes almost every session. It wasn't possible, unless...

Grace cornered her before breakfast.

"Is it a time turner?"

Hermione slowly nodded.

"Okay, cool, no more secrets?"

Hermione nodded again and Grace took her arm.

"Awesome! Now, time for food."

Hermione laughed.

"You're a strange one Grace Weasley."

. . .

Remus wasn't there yet when they got to the dark arts classroom. All the students got out their books and parchment. Ready for whatever he wanted them to do. They talked quietly until he walked in and put his briefcase on the desk.

"Good afternoon," he said "Would you please put away your books? We'll be learning by doing today, all you will need is your wands."

Everyone but Grace put away their things warily, she trusted Remus, the last hands on experience the class had was when Lockhart had released the fairies in the room. To say it was a disaster was an understatement.

They followed Remus down the deserted hallways. They turned a corner and Peeves was there, stuffing gum in a keyhole.

He didn't pay attention to them until they had halted a few feet away. When he saw Remus, he immediately burst into song.

"Loony, loopy Lupin!" He sang, "Loony, loopy Lupin! Loony, loopy Lupin..."

Grace caught on quickly, and said in a scolding voice.

"Peeves, we talked about this, that's not polite!"

"Sorry, not sorry!"

Grace rolled her eyes, Remus was smiling.

"I'd take that gum out of there. You don't want Filch after you."

In response, Peeves blew a raspberry, although he looked regretful when Grace stared at him.

"I'm about to teach you a useful little spell." Remus was saying. "Pay attention." He pointed his wand at Peeves.


The gum shot out of the keyhole lightning fast, and went up Peeves' nose, he flew away, spouting some interesting cuss words.

"Cool, sir!" Dean said in amazement.

"Thank you, Dean." Remus said, putting his wand away. "Let's proceed, shall we?"

They started to walk again, the class was looking at Remus with a new respect.

After turning another corner, they stopped outside the staff room, the door was opened and they filed in, it had several old armchairs and some small tables, Snape was sitting there and Grace involuntarily, made a face of disgust.

Remus started to close the door, but Snape stopped him.

"Don't bother Lupin, I'm not staying to watch." He stood with a flourish, started to leave, but then noticed Neville.

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