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“Shit, shit, shit…” Grace whispered. “What were we thinking?”

“Maybe it’s a false positive?” Hermione whispered hopefully. “Take another one.”

Grace nodded, but ten minutes later, it was positive once again and she sank to the floor in shock.

“Grace… It happened. You’re married. It was going to happen eventually.” Hermione said quietly, trying to keep them both calm. “Sure, now isn't the most convenient but-”

The two way mirror in Grace's bag started glowing and vibrating, she glanced at her necklace and groaned, realizing it had turned nearly black in stress and fear.

She reached over and answered it, knowing if she didn’t he’d panic more.

“Hey Lee... “

“Love, you okay? You scared me. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, everything is fine.” She lied. “Just let the stress take over for a second, I’m sorry.”

“That was also fear. What happened? Don’t lie to me.”

Grace sighed. Debating and very unsure.

She couldn’t tell him, not now.

Not when the war was about to start.

Not when he wasn’t there to celebrate with her.

Hermione suddenly took over.

“She’ll call you right back.”

She hung up and looked at Grace.

“Go find him. We’ve got this.”


“Grace, please. Go find him, tell him. We’ll be in contact as soon as possible, okay? But you have more responsibility now. Call Lee back and go, I’ll explain to the boys.”

Grace nodded, finally accepting she was right.

“Fine, but please be careful.”

“We will.”

Grace packed quickly and left for shell cottage, but when Lee wasn’t there she then tried their house.

And there he was. When she walked in, he was pacing in their bedroom mirror in hand.

“It’s been 15 minutes.”

He looked up and immediately relaxed when he saw her safe and unharmed, walking across the room to hug her.

“How’d you get in?”

She scoffed. “I’m the one who put up the protection charms, I know my way around them.”

Her voice was shaking and she knew it, and Lee heard it too and he looked more concerned than she had seen him in awhile.

“Did something happen? Is everything okay?”

“You uh, might want to sit down.”

“What? Are mom and dad okay? Did you hear something I didn’t? Grace?!”

“No! I’m sorry, I don’t mean to scare you, I just… well… this wasn’t supposed to happen and I'm terrified of your reaction and I don’t want you to be mad or disappointed or sad-”

“Love, I’m sorry for interrupting, but you’re giving me a lot of anxiety and I don’t understand what you’re going on about. What could you possibly do that could make me that upset?”

“Get pregnant in the middle of a war.”

“Oh very funny.” He said, rolling his eyes, then freezing when he saw the look on her face. “Wait- are you… are you really?”

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