15~ Dealings With Dragons....

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Two days after the forest adventure, March 21st, was Grace's twelfth birthday. A mysterious package arrived for her in the mail that morning, with no return address, but a letter.

Gracie Lynn,
Happy Birthday! Your mum asked me to keep this for you until your 12th. I miss you.

P.s. Don't tell anyone who this is from.

The name alone made Grace shake. Sirius had been one of her favorite people growing up. When the ministry was looking for him after he 'killed' Peter Pettigrew, he hid out in the safe house occasionally and Grace would keep him company at times.

In the box was a circle locket necklace with a compass engraved on it. Grace stepped in front of the mirror and put it on. She touched the compass remembering her mum wearing-

Grace let out a yelp when she disappeared. She slowly brought her hand in front of her face and wiggled her fingers. She couldn't see them.

Taking a deep breath, she put her finger on the compass again, and after a few seconds, she flickered back into view. She sighed with relief and realized that this was why sometimes her father couldn't find them. When you touched another person, you must be able to turn them invisible at will. That's how they could hide in plain sight. Grace touched it gently and she didn't turn.

Well this would be helpful.

. . .

"Hagrid, I can't believe you've got a dragon, and now we have to take care of it." Harry muttered when he, Hermione and Grace came to pick up Norbert to give to Charlie. Grace felt like keeping the secret a bit longer so all three of them were going to hide under the invisibility cloak.

Grace shushed the agitated dragon and stroked his neck, hoping to calm him down as they walked up what felt like miles of stairs. Charlie said his friends would meet them at the top of the astronomy tower, which was a flat roof in the open air. When they got there, Grace climbed up the wall on the side and swung her feet over the edge looking across at the forest, thinking of Arton and waiting to see brooms. Harry and Hermione joined her after making sure Norbert was secure.

Before long, five people were zipping towards them.

"That's strange." Hermione mumbled. "I thought for sure he said four- Grace! What are you doing?!"

Grace had stood, a smile on her face, arms wide open, and leaned forward, starting to fall. Hermione screamed and covered her eyes waiting for a thud.

It never came.

She peaked to see Grace hugging yet another red headed man who had, presumably, caught her.

"Okay. Exactly how many brothers do you have?" She demanded angrily when they landed.

"Six," Grace said, turning to her with a smile. "Bill is first, then Charlie, Percy, Fred, George and Ron."

Hermione shook her head. "Not to be rude, but you do realize that we have to get back?" Grace rolled her eyes.

"Yes Mum."

"Oh, shut up." She huffed.

"Hey, Gia," Charlie said with a. excited smile. "Look what I've got for you." He reached into his robes, Grace gasped.

In his hand was a tiny dragon, about 8 inches long. It blinked sleepily up at Grace when Charlie put it in her hand, and wrapped it's tail around her finger. Grace looked up at Charlie with stars in her eyes.

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