12~ Dumbledore makes a mess of things... again.

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"I... Ex.. excuse me?" Grace sputtered.

"Your brother, Timothy. Are you sure he was killed that night?" Dumbledore asked again.

"Well considering he got hit by the killing curse, I'd say that yes, he is." Grace snapped, feeling sick. Timmy had taken that curse for her, it was her fault he was dead. Dumbledore had continued talking and she heard.

"We need to look at that memory."

"What?" Grace asked, terrified. "Why?!"

Dumbledore hesitated, then said.

"I will explain after, you have my word."

"I don't think-"

"Miss. Weasley, this is important. This may affect the outcome of the next war, please cooperate."

Grace bit her lip, thinking. This was bigger than her, bigger than her trauma and life, if it was as important as Dumbledore said, then it could save lives. But Timmy was dead, she had watched him be hit with the curse, and then fall to the ground in front of her, dead.

"Pick someone to be with you. You'll need support."

"I... Lee?" She asked, exasperated, realizing she didn't have a choice in the matter. "Can you...?"

"Hold on, what's going on exactly?"

"Professor Dumbledore wants to see my memory from the night my family died. He thinks that my brother survived." Grace let out a harsh laugh. "He wants to use a Pensieve."

Lee's eyes widened and he looked at Dumbledore in shock,

"Sir, all due respect, are you insane?! She doesn't need to relive that!"

"I understand where you are coming from, Mr. Jordan, but this is a necessary risk, we must know!"

"So, I'm here for support, if she breaks?" Lee asked, his voice soft.

"Essentially, yes."

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Lee exploded, jumping up. "She's fourteen, she's not a puppet in your army!"

"I have not asked her to be a 'puppet' Mr. Jordan, I have given her a choice, and asked her to do the right thing. If she wants us to defeat Voldermort, she will do it."

"What kind of choice is that?!" Leek shouted. "That's not a choice! That's guilt tripping!"

"It is the truth."

"Bullshit! It's manipulative!"

"Please calm down." Dumbledore said in his own annoyingly calm voice.

"You're using her!"

"Lee, it's okay." Grace said softly, touching his hand. "I need to do this. What of Timmy is alive? I doubt it, but what if he is?"

Lee looked at her for a long time, then took a deep breath.

"Fine, let's get this over with. But if she gets hurt in any way..."

"Then I take full responsibility, let's get started before it gets any later."

Extracting her memory was simple, Lee took her hand.

"Before we go, I wanted to ask, are we together now?"

Grace nodded.

"I wouldn't have kissed you otherwise."

Lee smiled and kissed her again, Grace closed her eyes and felt herself melt as they fell into the water.


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